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Care Entree Training

 Alex Rota

IMR# 12583

To view the program go to: 

To view the business opportunity at the home page go to "for IMR's only"  enter user name    icare password always    

To sign up as a representative go back to the home page and go enrolment.  Enter user name    healthcare password advocacy.  Note: you have to complete both the    Enrolment Form    AND the   Rep Agreement.   and fax them back 

To sigh up as a member simply go to member at the home page.


 office: (919) 479-5481    Mobile: (919) 630-7925 

E-Mail at:


If you are viewing this web site it is because you have decided join us at Care Entree.  We have at our disposal a unique opportunity to be involved in one of the country's newest and most innovative companies.  A GROUND FLOOR opportunity to build a future together.   You are among those who have chose to take charge of there lives and direct there futures.   I hope to make this a training site as time go along, 

You will get you Rep. (IMR) kit in a few days.  Once you get it read it  a few times taking notes and marking important spots.  I will be sending you a lot more  information about the plan and how to present it. 

Now that your are ready go to sigh up as a rep.  There is also a form there you will need if you want Care Entree to draft you bank account rather then a credit card.

Business Plan       How to build a Care Entree Business

Explanation of above     A typed explanation of each page in the Business plan.

This tells about the company and services   For everyone.

What insurance agents should know