Great Bargains for Dads and Grads
Looking for the best deals on electronics, cameras, tires, tools, and home appliances? Contact 4 found a great source that wont hurt your pocketbook!
Red Cross Donation, Frequent Flier Miles, Telemarketing News
There may be help on the way for consumers who hate getting telemarketing calls. Also, how'd you like to earn airline miles simply by shopping? Plus -- there are big changes planned for the way the American Red Cross solicits donations.
State Helps ID Theft Victims
A new state agency helps victims of identity theft put their lives back together.
Is It Worth Fighting Credit Card Late Fees?
Being a squeaky wheel might actually save you from having to pay some hefty late fees on your credit card payments.
Many Surprised By Cell Roaming Charges
Cell phone sales pitches sound great these days, with many offering thousands of free minutes per month. But some calls may end up costing you a lot of money. Contact 4 explains how.
Enhancement Pill Scam, Retirement Home, Car Tire News
Contact 4 has the latest news about a enhancement pill scam, retirement homes and tire pressure.
Insurance Program Helps Expectant Mothers
Having a baby is one of life's greatest joys, but it comes with a pricetag. If you don't have health insurance - and many working Californians don't - the expense can put great stress on the pregnancy.
How To Pick A Digital Camera
If you're in the market for a digital camera, how do you know which one will work best for you? Contact 4 shows you what to look for when you go shopping.
Summer Travel Deals Can Be Found Online
Some of the nation's biggest hotel chains are trying to drive consumers to their websites by launching low price guarantees and price matching.
Are You Signing Away Your Right to Sue?
We always hear warnings about the fine print in contracts, agreements and financial statements. Contact 4 has a good example that illustrates why.
Crash Test, Internet Drug,Tax Write-Off News
Contact 4 reports on the latest developments with crash tests, Internet prescriptions and charitable tax write-offs.
Membership Not Necessary For Notch Benefits
Most have probably never heard the term "notch victims" but as Contact 4 reports, it has to do with social security benefits and some senior citizens who are getting less than they counted on.
Even Low-Speed Crashes Are Costly
Most car crashes don't occur on highways at 60 miles per hour, you're more likely to be involved in a fender bender. New crash tests show even low-speed crashes can cost you big bucks in repairs.
Memorial Day Recalls And Safety Tips
If the weather cooperates, families across the Bay Area will be barbecuing this weekend. Before you fire up the grill, or head out on a road trip, there are some precautions you should take.
$200B In Court Judgements Go Uncollected
In small claims court one side wins, one loses, and the victor is supposed to get paid. But for every person who is able to collect a judgment in small claims court, five more will never get their money.
Collecting Court Judgements Very Difficult
If you win a court case against a business that has ripped you off, what do you have to show for it? chances are, nothing but a lot more frustration. Fighting for the money is the next step.
E-Tickets Vs. Paper Tickets
When an airline's computer system goes down, what happens to travellers holding e-tickets?
Unlicensed, Uninsured Elderly Couple Sold Car
He's too arthritic to drive, she has Alzheimer's Disease. So how was it that one unlicensed, uninsured couple was able to purchase a car?
Phone Card Rates Improve, Recall News
Contact 4 reports that prepaid phone card rates are going and there are a couple of important recalls, as well.
Part Of Dental File Left In Patient's Mouth
You've heard the horror stories, scalples and other medical instruments accidentally left in a patient's body's during surgery.
Ab Energizer Lawsuit/Total Gyms Recalled
You have likely seen them on TV: "Ab Belts"... and they continue to get slammed by consumers who say they don't work.
Home Video Editing Won't Cost You a Bundle
As summer vacation season approaches, get ready to take hours of family video, most of which you probably will never see. But, what if you edited that video into mini-movies with your computer?
Online Investment Account Fees On The Rise
When it comes to online trading, you often have to spend more money than you think in order to make money.
10 Cars Most Likely to be Stolen
Auto thefts cost an estimated $7 billion every year, and according to a new report, that's having a direct impact on the amount that certain consumers pay for insurance.
Cheaper Drugs
pay the highest prescription prices in the world. A Contact 4 report shows you some very easy ways to pay much less for the medicines you need.
The Right Way To Get Into Modeling
Contact 4 raised concerns about one modeling company's big up front fees and hollow promises. So, what's the legit way to get into modeling?
Is Quake Insurance Necessary?
Monday night's earthquake was, in many ways, a wake up call for Bay Area residents. How many of us have insurance to cover quake damage, and is it really necessary?
New Bill Would Protect Whistleblowers
A new bill that would require employees who have knowledge of financial fraud to come forward with information or face fines and jail time.
Modeling Scouts Run Less-Than-Model Company
Modeling is sometimes glamourous and can certainly be lucrative but there is an ugly underside where certain people tend to prey on would-be models' misguided expectations.