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WWW Tide and Current Predictor

29 Jul 2002: After a nasty crash of our old server and a two-week loss of service, we're back up with a new server. Thanks to all the kind words we've received during our hiatus. And thanks to Brian Helmuth of USC Biology for taking care of getting the new server physically in place and online.
Web interface by Dean Pentcheff.
Calculations and graphics by David Flater's XTide Program.
(Pick a different site  |  Frequently Asked Questions)
NOT FOR NAVIGATION. This program is furnished in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Do not use this program as a basis for any decisions that could result in harm to people, other organisms, or property. Check these predictions against officially sanctioned tables. Agencies like NOAA exist because there is a need for certifiably correct tide predictions. Do not rely on these predictions if you need guaranteed results. There is NO WAY we can get certified data on a zero budget. We rely on users like you to tell us when something is wrong. Please continue to do so.
Remember that weather conditions affect tidal ranges and current speeds, sometimes very strongly.

Pelican Harbour, Abaco Island, Bahamas

18 August 2002 - 19 August 2002

26.3833° N, 76.9667° W

2002-08-18  05:16 EDT   3.06 feet  High Tide
2002-08-18  06:41 EDT   Sunrise
2002-08-18  11:14 EDT   1.01 feet  Low Tide
2002-08-18  17:51 EDT   3.72 feet  High Tide
2002-08-18  19:41 EDT   Sunset
2002-08-19  00:23 EDT   1.03 feet  Low Tide
2002-08-19  06:16 EDT   3.12 feet  High Tide
2002-08-19  06:41 EDT   Sunrise
2002-08-19  12:13 EDT   0.99 feet  Low Tide
2002-08-19  18:47 EDT   3.74 feet  High Tide
2002-08-19  19:40 EDT   Sunset
2002-08-20  01:15 EDT   0.99 feet  Low Tide

Prediction Options

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Text Plot (Plot Type: Horizontal Vertical) (more plot options below)
Graphic Plot: size by pixels (more plot options below)
One-Month Calendar (Type: Compact Compact+ Calendar Text)
Extreme Highest and Lowest Tides Only
Strict Intervals (Interval Time: )
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Select tide height units: meters feet default
Suppress credits and warnings on top of page
Suppress sunrise/sunset and lunar information
Printer-friendly bare output   ( Force plot to B&W lines)
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Show the URL that would recreate this prediction
Starting time and time display options
Start at: at :
Local timezone: -5:00 [America/Nassau] (automatic daylight saving correction)
UTC (also known as GMT or Zulu time)
Hour format: 24-hour time am/pm time
Show day of week
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Omit mean sea level and datum lines on plot
Omit high/low times on plots (clears overlapping text)
Plot with lines only, not color-filled (graphical plot only)
Pick colors for color elements (graphical plot only):
Colors: black white yellow red skyblue deep-
seagreen blue
Text Color
Datum Line Color
Mean Sea Level Line
Mark Tics Color
Day Background
Night Background
Ebb Color
Flood Color

Puzzled by something? Please check the Frequently Asked Questions list.
Send queries about the WWW interface to Dean Pentcheff at
Send queries about the XTide program to David Flater at
WWW Tide/Current Predictor:
Dean Pentcheff, <>
Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208 USA