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The River Pirate Fishing Adventure & Photo Contest Winner's Page

Our Contest has now ended, &..........


Darrel Steele

Darrel is from Norwich, England & he's 13 years of age.  He loves to fish, & has good times fishing with his Dad.  Since he could not be with us for a Fishing Trip this Salmon Season, we sent him a 3D Fishing Game instead.  This put a big smile on his face! :)

Darrel's Fishing Adventure Story & Photos

10.00am We headed on down to our local river Wensum.  It was very foggy and cold about -1C. The river is still high and running fast due to the rains last week. 

10.05am We got our chosen swim and Mark and myself set up the river about 50 yards from David who had came down the river with us. Mark chooses to trot a dead bait down the river just on his one rod. David is trotting with one rod and using a static dead bait on his other rod. I start off trotting my dead bait but later move to a static set up.

10.45am Mark had a couple of bobs but nothing took the dead bait.

11.15am Mark had a Pike on he said it felt little, I quickly set up the landing net and landed the pike for mark. It was just over 12lb on the scales we quickly took our pictures of the pike and Mark rebaited his rod. 

11.30am We moved on down the river heading upstream, with little or no action.

12.05pm We try to cross to get through to the wooded area but Mark could not get across the small steam, as he only had on hiking boots and not wellies like David and myself. Mark decided to head back to the swim he had the first pike while David and I got to our new swim the other side of the woods.

12.25pm Mark is just approaching his swim, and as he carefully stalks up to the swim a large splash happens in the margins at the near bank (it could be the large 20lb pike he caught two weeks ago from this same swim). He decides to stay back from the bank and cast into the margins just up from the splash and lets his dead bait trot into the area the pike splashed.

12.28pm I have a take on my totted dead bait and I strike into the Pike early to avoid deep hooking it. I feel the weight of the Pike on the rod and the rod tip bends. All of a sudden the line goes slack and I have lost it.

12.30pm David casts just up the river from where I lost the Pike. His float dips and the Pike goes deep into the water. David is into the Pike and it looks a good fighter.

12.35pm I call Mark because he has the lading net we are sharing (because we are traveling light). Mark is loath to leave his swim because of the Pike that had shown in the margins but he quickly comes running and manages to cross the small stream with only a small amount of water entering his boots.

12.40pm Just as Mark gets to David, he has managed to chin lift the Pike onto the bank, as he was frightened if he did not get it in quickly he would lose it. (Mark got wet feet for nothing!)

12.45pm We weight the Pike because it feels heavier than it looks, It weighed 12lb 8oz on the scales and just as we go to take pictures the sun comes out and the fish is shinning in the sun light.

2.45pm We pack up for the day, as we have had no more action since David's Pike.

Another good days fishing on the local River Wensum

Please click on the thumbnails to view the  photos full size.  They're really worth the wait.

                                                  Darrel, with a big smile. :)          Darrel with a 12lb 8oz pike!

                                                   Dad, with a big smile. :)          Nice Pike with Rod!

If you'd like to say Hi to Darrel, or his Dad, or just talk about Fishin', please drop by our Forum & leave a message for them.

We hope you've enjoyed this page.  We've had a great time running this Contest, & communicating with everyone who entered & took an interest.  Thanks to all of you. Please bookmark our site, & keep watching, as we're planning to run another one in the near future.


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