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A taste of our Hawaii... alternative places that only the local people know.
Good and authentic food at honest prices.


(For all categories on an Island, click on Island name)
Big Island Lanai Oahu Molokai Maui Kauai
American American American American American American American
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Luaus Hawaiian no listings yet Hawaiian no listings yet Hawaiian Hawaiian
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Pacific Rim Pacific Rim Pacific Rim Pacific Rim no listings yet Pacific Rim Pacific Rim
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Thai Thai no listings yet Thai no listings yet Thai Thai
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  Big Island Lanai Oahu Molokai Maui Kauai

E ai a maona (eat to your fill)!

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A word about our symbols:
            B = Breakfast
            L = Lunch
            D = Dinner
($)     = Inexpensive (Dinner for Two under $30*)
($$)   = Moderate (Dinner for Two under $50*)
($$$) = Fine Dining (Dinner for Two $50* and over)
*Estimated cost based on à la carte menu excluding beverages, tip and tax. (A General Excise Tax of 4.16% is applied to all retail sales of goods and services in Hawaii.)
Please phone ahead for information re: directions, credit cards, prices, hours, alcoholic beverages, parking, smoking, as all are subject to change.

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Please know that the copyrighted images on this site are costly to produce and are not royalty free. These photographs are stock images that are licensed for a negotiated fee. Use of these images is not given away. Please respect domestic and international copyright law. If you wish to license any of Ann Cecil's photographs seen on this site, please contact Ann Cecil.

Created by keithn.comMUNICATIONS ©Ala Mua Hawaii 1997