Category | Island | |||||
Big Island | Lanai | Oahu | Molokai | Maui | Kauai | |
Big Island | Lanai | Oahu | Molokai | Maui | Kauai |
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NOTE: | Accommodation rates fluctuate, so they may vary from the figures quoted in this Guide. During the winter season (from mid-December to mid-April) rates may increase by as much as $10 - $20 per unit per night for hotel and condo accommodation. Accommodation rates are not carved in lava. Inquire about the many discounts available e.g., AAA, Airline, Corporate, Credit Card, Entertainment Club, Kamaaina (local resident), Association Memberships, Military, Travel Agency. If eligible for any of the above or other special discounts, you'll quite often get a better price than the rates quoted in this guide. For purposes of this Guide:
Accommodation rates do not include taxes. |
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