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Where to stay in Hawaii at substantial savings without sacrificing quality.
Alternatives for travelers with different interests, budgets, and sensibilities

Category Island
Big Island Lanai Oahu Molokai Maui Kauai
Apartments Apartments nothing yet Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments
Bed & Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts Bed 'n Breakfasts
Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins Camping / Cabins
Condominiums Condominiums nothing yet Condominiums Condominiums Condominiums Condominiums
Cottages Cottages nothing yet Cottages Cottages Cottages Cottages
Homes Cottages nothing yet Homes Homes Homes Homes
Hostels Hostels nothing yet Hostels nothing yet Hostels Hostels
Hotels Hotels Hotels Hotels Hotels Hotels Hotels
Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges Inns / Lodges
Rental Agencies Rental Agencies Rental Agencies Rental Agencies Rental Agencies Rental Agencies Rental Agencies
Resorts Resorts Resorts Resorts Resorts Resorts Resorts
Retreats Retreats nothing yet Retreats Retreats Retreats Retreats
Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals
YMCA'S / YWCA'S nothing yet nothing yet YMCA'S / YWCA'S nothing yet YMCA'S / YWCA'S YMCA'S / YWCA'S
  Big Island Lanai Oahu Molokai Maui Kauai

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NOTE:   Accommodation rates fluctuate, so they may vary from the figures quoted in this Guide. During the winter season (from mid-December to mid-April) rates may increase by as much as $10 - $20 per unit per night for hotel and condo accommodation. Accommodation rates are not carved in lava. Inquire about the many discounts available e.g., AAA, Airline, Corporate, Credit Card, Entertainment Club, Kamaaina (local resident), Association Memberships, Military, Travel Agency. If eligible for any of the above or other special discounts, you'll quite often get a better price than the rates quoted in this guide. For purposes of this Guide:
  • All rates quoted are for double occupancy unless otherwise stated.
  • Rates for B&B's and Cottages are normally based on a minimum of 2 or 3 nights occupancy.
  • Rates for Hotels, Resorts and Condos:
    • Inexpensive: Under $100 per night
    • Moderate: Under $200 per night
    • Expensive: $200 and over per night

Accommodation rates do not include taxes.
Many properties also charge an extra cleaning fee.

In Hawaii, accommodations are subject to a maximum total tax of 11.417% consisting of a Transient Accommodation Tax (TAT) of 7.25% plus a General Excise Tax (GET) of 4.16% applied to retail sales of goods and services.

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