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Black Marlin
(Makaira indica)

Black Marlin (Makaira indica)

Other common names:
White Marlin (Japan).
Silver Marlin.

Back dark blue or black, belly silvery white, dorsal fin lavender, other fins and tail electric blue.
Start of second dorsal forward of start of second anal fin. Fixed pectoral fins.
Two keels at junction of body and caudal fin.
Short lower jaw curved down and a short heavy round bill.

Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).

Typical location:
Along current lines, continental shelf drop off, reefs and shore where warm current is running.
In open ocean around bait fish.
Juveniles move in schools of similar age along coast and islands.

Fishing methods:
Trolling mullet or mackerel often in combination with plastic squid.
Trolling live skipjack, kawa kawa and other small tuna.
Trolling lures, konaheads and plastic squid.

Fighting characteristics:
A fighter that usually mixes jumping and fast runs with deep fighting characteristics.
Can jump at any time during the fight and often alongside the boat.

The fish mount displayed on this page is handmade by “Marine Life Phuket
and can be ordered through the Thai Fishing Guide.

See all details in “Shopping