(Galeocerdo cuvier)
Other common names:
Leopard Shark.
Upper body striped light and dark gray.
Lower body white.
Almost square head with large dark eyes.
Five short gill slits.
Serrated cockscomb-shaped teeth.
Temperature range:
15 - 30 Celsius (59 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
In open water along continental shelf.
Over reefs and canyons.
Along current lines and temperature changes.
Fishing methods:
At anchor or drifting with live and dead bait often in combination
with chum.
Fighting characteristics:
An extremely tough fighter with fast and long runs mixed with rolls on
the leader.
Will often come to the surface during the fight, followed by more runs
in midwater.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots
for catching Tiger Shark: