"Our Internet Web Site Promotion Process From Beginning To End"
Our Internet web site promotion process is not a complicated one, but it does require a great deal of skill and professional Internet marketing knowledge to increase site traffic and actualize your search engine ranking goals. We have organized our Internet web site promotion process into three phases to give you an understanding of what to expect from our complete range of Internet marketing services.
"Phase I: Keyword Analysis & Selection for a Significant Increase Traffic"
Keyword analysis is the foundation for creating an effective search engine and Internet marketing strategy that will increase traffic at your site. Keyword analysis actually begins before the promotion process, before even an Internet web site promotion transaction is completed. You can receive a free Internet marketing keyword analysis report that will help increase traffic at your site with absolutely no obligation by clicking here.
Once you have received your keyword analysis report and our keyword selection tutorial, you will be armed with the Internet marketing knowledge you need to choose the most effective search terms for your internet web site promotion. This will also assist us as we guide you in determining the best Internet marketing promotion strategy to increase traffic the most on your site.
Once you have selected your search terms and determined the Internet web site promotion strategy that is right for you, we can proceed to Phase II of our Internet marketing process.
"Internet Marketing Phase II: Optimization"
The goal of optimization in Internet web site promotion is to create search engine and user friendly pages that both increase traffic and top rankings, plus result in the desired user response (i.e., ecommerce sales, white paper requests, requests for proposal, customer response surveys, etc.).
First, our professional technical writing staff will write or edit your page content based on: - A focused objective for each page
- Search engine friendliness
- A call to action that actively solicits viewer response
We also write targeted Internet web site promotion title and description tags for each page that improve rankings to increase traffic and click-through rates.
While our Internet marketing technical writing team begins working, our code-optimizers analyze your page code to determine if there are any potential coding snags that might hinder search engine placement. Our Internet marketing coding experts fix these problems on your optimized pages to create clean, search engine friendly pages. We also send you an optimization tutorial that provides general guidelines for optimizing your site as a whole. This way you can be sure that your entire site is search engine friendly.
During the optimization process we also create and implement a site map and a 404-redirect page into your site. These pages are designed to eliminate confusion and increase site navigation, which helps elicit the desired response from your visitors.
"Promotion Phase III: Submission, Tracking, and Link Building"
This is the active Internet web site promotion stage: We submit your site and ensure that your pages are included in pay-for-inclusion search engines. Internet web site promotion ranking reports are generated and uploaded twice each month, allowing you to monitor your progress. We also use these reports to determine what steps need to be made to continually increase your top search engine positions and increase traffic.
At this point we also find linking partners that will benefit from creating a link to your site. As link popularity grows, the potential of achieving even higher search engine rankings develops exponentially.
For a full six months our Internet marketing professionals monitor and track your optimized pages and rankings to maximize top search engine positions and increase traffic at your site.
Once you have investigated our
services, feel free to compare with our competitors.