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Case Study-WAVE 3: Louisville, KY

Case Study-WTKR: Hampton Roads, VA
 August 1, 2003

The Mission
WorldNow's mission is to enable local broadcasters to easily deliver targeted, branded information to anyone, anywhere, anytime. 

Our solution is straightforward. Our results are powerful.

WorldNow hosts and supports a cost-effective solution that allows stations to easily manage and publish their Internet content. Through our innovative business model and complete affiliate solution, local media companies are able to leverage their core assets in an entirely new medium.

The Model
Together, we create a unique local Internet business. The end result of this partnership? Broadcasters extend their reach, increase their audience base, build new revenue streams and ultimately grow their television business.

The Solution
Our robust technology system, innovative revenue programs, national content offering and extensive service, and support enable broadcasters to build an integrated, cost-effective Internet presence and distribute content across multiple platforms.

143 Local TV Stations
63 Million Monthly Page Views
8 Million Unique Users
500,000 Monthly Video Streams
350,000 Daily Emails
U.S. Households Reached
  43% unduplicated
  32 of the Top 50 Markets
  82 of the Top 100 Markets
  109 of the Top 150 Markets
GENDER 59% Female
41% Male
AGE 79% 25-54 yrs.
12% 55+ yrs.
9% 18-24 yrs.
EDUCATION 76% attended, graduated college+
HOUSEHOLD INCOME 52% earn $50,000+
HOME OWNERSHIP 65% own a home
OCCUPATION 33% Professional, Small Business, Executive, Managerial
30% Technical, Sales, Clerical, Administration
ONLINE SPENDING 60% spent $50 + in last month

Sources: Nielsen/NetRatings, June 2001, Frank N. Magid Associates, User Profile Survey, July 2001


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