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"Our Professional Service Guarantee"

Pole Position Web knows that if you don't succeed, we don't succeed. In fact it is our repeated and continuous success at optimizing and achieving top rankings for sites like yours that has garnered us a reputation of one of the internets most long-standing top-tier optimization firms.

Pole Position Web guarantees that we put forth nothing less than the strongest effort, utilizing only the most ethical SEO practices to garner top positions for your website.

Pole Position Web understands that if we cannot place your site into the top rankings of the most used search engines we'll lose you as a valued client. For this reason, our optimization strategies look for the long-term benefit, not the quick benefit with no long-term payoff. We believe that a good optimization strategy builds with time.

It should be noted that search engines continually adapt and adjust their ranking algorithms and there are many factors outside of any optimizers control. While many factors in achieving top rankings can and will be manipulated it is impossible for us to accurately predict what rankings will be achieved or the amount of time it will take to achieve them.

Uncontrollable Factors that Effect Optimization:

Newness of Site
Search engines tend to prefer site's with a history behind them. While we achieve numerous top rankings for new websites regularly it should be noted that new websites take quite a bit longer to achieve top rankings. Overnight success should not be expected.

PageRank (link popularity)
Search engines rely quite heavily on quality and relevant inbound links pointing to your site from other web sites. Each of our promotion strategies includes a base link-building service, however this may not be enough, especially for newer sites. We strongly recommend purchasing additional link building if rankings are slow in coming.

Keyword Selection
Pole Position Web will provide as much information as possible during the keyword selection process and will assist you in any way we can, however there are some keywords that due to competition, saturation and context, are extremely difficult to rank. If such terms are ultimately chosen Pole Position Web will work diligently to achieve top rankings for these terms just as any other, however rankings for some terms may be elusive for months, if not years.

Optimization Strategy Implementation
Due to individual site design and constraints, we may not be able to implement all of our optimization recommendations. We will make every effort to communicate with you the necessity of such changes and also work with your webmaster to find solutions that as many strategies as possible may implemented. Failure to implement specific optimization strategies may hinder site rankings.

Search Engine Reliability
From time to time search engines go through periods where they become unreliable. Either they are not actively indexing page changes, going through an adjustment period, or inexplicably revert to an old database. These factors are 100% outside of anybody's control except for the search engine engineers, and the only course of action is to wait for the engine to get back on track.

Pole Position Web will try to make as many of these factors known as soon as they are apparent. With a good optimization strategy many of these factors can be overcome with time.

Pole Position Web guarantees it will make the strongest effort to overcome any such hindrances, known and unknown, that together we may build a long-term relationship based upon sound optimization.

We want to keep you as a satisfied client and will do everything within our control to help you succeed.


Once you have investigated our services, feel free to compare with our competitors.


Strategies & Pricing     

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