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Copes Islander Oceanfront Bed and Breakfast
Comox/Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
BC west coast B&B and vacation rental accommodation

Pets Welcome at our
Pet Friendly Accommodations
With Pets in Residence

pets welcome at our pet friendly accommodations
Our two youngest family members, Basil and Sybil.

Cat fanciers will enjoy the feline ambiance at our bed and breakfast. We have four cats in residence: 
Tribble, our 15 year old grey and white, soaks up attention like a sponge. Buffy, 
our 3 year old mostly grey calico, is as self assured and assertive a cat as you will ever meet. 
The two babies of the foursome, litter-mates Basil and Sybil, are pictured above.

Pet Policy

We welcome guests with well behaved, house-broken pets. As we have our own pets, it is important that 
visiting pets are controllable around cats. Dogs who are driven to frenzied excitement at the prospect of 
chasing and catching a cat are, of course, not compatable visitors in our home. 

Many hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, resorts and other lodging and accommodations do not accept visitors 
with pets. We feel differently. People who travel with their pets are some of the nicest people we have met. 
We have found, without exception, that pet owners are considerate and responsible in their control of their pets. 

Here are some of the ways that we have noticed pet owners teaching their pets good guest manners: 
- pets are kept off the furniture
- pets sleep on the floor or in their travel kennels
- pets are kept  in guest's room except  when they accompany their 
owners on leashes outside for walks
- owners clean up and "scoop up" after their pets

 If your pet is able to conduct himself as shown above, he is welcome as a guest in our home.

pets in residence : Tribble

pets in residence : Buffy

Accommodation rates:
A $5 per night charge is added for each pet.

For information on travelling with pets visit

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Copes Islander Oceanfront Bed and Breakfast
Comox/Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
BC west coast B&B and vacation rental accommodations

Copes Islander Oceanfront Bed and Breakfast
1484 Wilkinson Rd.
Comox, B.C. Canada V9M 4B3
Reservations: (250)339-1038
Toll Free: 1-888-339-1038

Website Creation and Search Engine Optimization by CopesIsl B&B
All Rights Reserved Copes Oceanfront B & B 2001©