Any dish that you
prepare yourself will cost a lot less than buying
it ready made in a shop or restaurant - so really
all home cooking is relatively frugal. The
recipes listed below are exceptionally thrifty but still healthy (sacrificing your health is not frugal at all!) -
no meal should be over £1 per person and most
will be less. If you are using some of our shopping tips many of the main
courses are under 50p per person and the soups
and dips considerably less. The recipes listed
all feed a family of four unless otherwise stated
(you can of course, reduce the quantities if
needed). All recipes are suitable for vegetarians
and vegans. Those that are low fat are marked LF and wheat free
dishes have WF by them. Soups:
Nettle Soup
Vegetable and Barley
Soup LF WF
Yellow Split Pea
Minted Noodle Soup LF
Leek and
Potato Soup LF
Main Courses:
Chick Pea Curry LF WF
Potato Bake LF WF
Mixed Bean
Casserole LF WF
Mince and
Pasta with Tomato sauce LF
Side Dishes, Dips and Basics:
Simple Herb and
Garlic Bread
Hummus WF
Basic Baked
Potatoes LF WF
Gravy LF WF
Mayo WF
fritters WF
Stuffing WF
Cakes, Cookies and Puddings:
Apple Pie
Basic Cookies
Chocolate Cake
Basic Sponge cake
Banana Ice Lollies LF WF
Wheat Free
Apple Layer Cake WF
Frugal Christmas (more recipes)

'My Turn to Cook - it's cheap, easy,
therapeutic and satisfying' - written for a
non-cooking-enabled boyfriend - an excellent
introduction to the culinary arts!
Buy from Amazon.co.uk
Buy from
Amazon.com (USA)

and cheap meals
Buy from Amazon.co.uk
Buy from
Amazon.com (USA)
