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R-Tools Technology Inc. is the leading provider of powerful data recovery and undelete solutions for the Windows OS family

  E-Mail Recovery Software

R-Mail is Outlook Express Recovery Utility.
R-Mail is a NEW utility that recovers corrupted *.dbx files where MS Outlook Express 5.0/ 5.01/5.5/6.0 store folders with messages. The new Email recovery technology allows the users to rebuild corrupted *.dbx files and restore accidentally deleted messages. The messages are recovered in the .eml format and can be imported into Outlook Express mail bases.

R-Mail Products
R-Mail Demo  
R-Mail Demo is a feature limited utility that allows you to evaluate how R-Mail restores deleted messages and recovers damaged message bases. The limitations are that you cannot save found messages and view them in Outlook Express. However, you can copy recovered *.dbx files for backup purposes.
If R-Mail Demo has found the messages you would like to recover, you can use R-Mail Demo to backup the *.dbx message bases and then use the commercial R-Mail version for complete recovering contained messages.
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R-Mail Buy Now
R-Mail is a tool designed for undelete accidentally deleted e-mail messages and recovery damaged *.dbx files where MS Outlook Express stores folders with Email messages. The new e-mail data recovery technology IntelligentRebuild allows R-Mail users to quickly reconstruct damaged *.dbx files created by Outlook Express and easily restore the lost messages. The messages are recovered in the .eml format and can be simply imported into Outlook Express mail and news bases. Buy Now

* Canadian residents add applicable taxes (GST)

Data Recovery Data Recovery
File Undelete File Undelete
E-Mail Recovery E-Mail Recovery
PC Privacy PC Privacy
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Data Recovery R-Studio
File Undelete R-Undelete
E-Mail Recovery R-Mail
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System requirements
Data Recovery An Intel-compatible platform running Windows 98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP.
File Undelete At least 32 MB of RAM, a mouse, and enough disk space for recovered messages, etc.
Email Recovery Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
Email Recovery Outlook Express 5.0 or later.
R-Mail features R-Mail operates in two modes:
  • Standard "Outlook Express" - style interface.
  • Host OS: Win98, ME, NT, 2000, XP.
  • Supported *.dbx file formats: MS Outlook Express 5.0, 5.01, 5.5, 6.0.
  • Automatic or manual search for message base files. R-Mail searches for message bases on all (including network) disks visible by the host operating system.
  • Recovered messages may be opened directly in MS Outlook Express.
  • Recovered messages may be saved in the *.eml file format on any (including network) disks visible by the host operating system.
  • Message source view.
  • Message base browsing:
    In this mode R-Mail browses through message bases and lists all messages in the message bases including deleted ones. Any message in the message bases may be viewed, opened in Outlook Express, and saved as a *.eml file. Such file may be imported into Outlook Express message bases. An entire message base may be saved as successive *.eml files and imported into Outlook Express message bases. This mode is used to restore accidentally deleted messages.
  • Message base recovery:
    In this mode R-Mail recovers damaged message bases. Then all messages may be viewed, opened in Outlook Express, and saved as a *.eml file.

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