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Why You Should Ignore Negative Job-Market News
Bleak media reports about the economy make many unemployed professionals think they can't find work. But don't believe everything you read -- jobs are always being created, even if reporters aren't telling you about them.
Top Five Reasons to Post Your Resume Which is the best online approach for finding a better job? Posting a resume? Or searching and applying online? The answer is, "BOTH!" You need to be doing both.
Make Your Cover Letter Count Not including a cover letter with your resume—even when you submitted it online—is passing up a key opportunity to sell your skills. A recent nationwide survey by Accountemps found that 60 percent of executives believe the cover letter is either as important as or more critical than the resume.
Proper "Netiquette" for Internet Communications Customs such as saying "please" and "thank you," wearing appropriate business attire, and waiting to be invited to sit at an interview often separate the winners from the losers in a job search. But how has the Internet changed these business niceties? What's proper "netiquette" online?
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Recruiters Five Day Newsfeed and Research |
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