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Telephone User's Guide
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Dialing Instructions
Equipment Guide
Telephone Equipment Guide
  • includes Audix "voicemail" instructions

  • Local Calls
    Calls made by dialing only the called party's last 5 digits within the PBX network or within your Centrex-served building are made at no charge to the Department.

    Calls within PBX network
    (204, 205, 208, 284, 302, 308, 334, 415, 516, 644, 647, 663, 736, 776, 812, 816, 875, 895, 912, 955, and 985 exchanges)

    Exceptions to these instructions are:

    To call USUN From Network PBX
    Dial...................................... 4 + last 4 digits

    To call Warrenton Training Center From Network PBX
    Dial ..................................... 2 + last 4 digits

    To call SA-1 (261 prefix only) From Network PBX
    Dial ..................................... 4 + last 4 digits

    To call SA-14 From Network PBX
    Dial ..................................... 3 + 4 + last 3 digits

    To call SA-11 (208 prefix only) From Network PBX
    Dial ..................................... 6 + last 4 digits

    To call Charleston Financial Service Center From Network PBX
    Dial...................................... 3 + last 4 digits

    To call Florida Regional Center From Network PBX
    Dial ..................................... 5 + last 4 digits

    The following Annexes are not part of the Department of State 5-digit dialing network. Seven or ten digits are needed to dial from other DOS facilities: SA-44, SA-46, and SA-47.

    Local  and commercial calls
    Exchanges for local calls are found in the front pages of your Bell Atlantic Telephone Directory.
    When calling a local number in ANOTHER area code:
     Dial.. 9 + 1 + area code + 7-digit number.
    When calling a local number in the SAME area code:
     Dial................................ 9 + 7-digit number.

    Exception to these instructions:
    In Maryland,  dial 9 + area code + 7-digit number for all local calls even within the same area code.

    Listed below are all Washington, D.C. area Department of State locations and the appropriate area codes and prefixes.

    Location Area Code Local Prefix
    Main State 202 647
      202 736
    SA-1 202 261
    SA-2 202 663, 261
    SA-3 202 663
    SA-4 202 776
    SA-5 202 736
    SA-6 703 875
      703 516
      703 812
    SA-7 703 644
    SA-8 703 351
    SA-9 202 653
    SA-10 703 644
    SA-11 703 204
      703 205
      703 208
    SA-12 703 285
    SA-13 703 274
    SA-14 703 235
    SA-15 703 875
      703 812
    SA-16 703 875
    SA-17 202 955
    SA-18 703 875
    SA-19 703 834
    SA-21 703 912
    SA-23 703 302
    SA-24 703 557
    SA-25 301 791
    SA-26 301 985
    SA-31 703 866
    SA-32 703 661
    SA-33 202 895
    SA-34 703 912
    SA-38 703 816
    SA-39 703 284
    SA-42 703 302
    SA-43 703 302
    SA-44 202 205, 260, 401, 619, 690
    SA-45 202 205, 619
    SA-46 202 205, 619
    SA-47   202, 205, 260, 401, 619
    FRC 954 630
    National Passport Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire 603 334
    Charleston Financial Service Center 803 308
    USUN 212 415
    WTC 703 302

    Long-Distance Calls
    The General Services Administration (GSA) has installed the (FTS2001) telephone system to be used in making long-distance calls within the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

    It must be used in lieu of commercial calls, except in emergencies.

    Long-distance calls to Government and commercial phones
    Dial .............. 9 + 1 + area code + number.
      (To obtain non-FTS phone numbers,
    Dial.......... 9 + 1 + area code + 555-1212.)

    Collect calls to commercial phones
    When asked by a non-Government person to call back collect:
    Dial 9 + 0 and place call with telephone company operator.

    To call overseas from Department of State phones
    For Station-to-Station Calls: Dial 9 + 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. For person-to-person, credit card, collect, or third-number billing calls: Dial 9 + 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number. Also, refer to instructions in the International Voice Gateway (IVG) section.

    To report phone trouble
    From Network PBX dial.................. 3-3434
    Off Net dial ........................ 202-663-3434

    Questions on these procedures should be directed to 202-647-4300.

    This site is managed by the Bureau of Administration (A/RPS/IPS), U.S. Department of State. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
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