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Hotel information: Category description

-(s)-standard class hotel

The Alexandra Hotel, Stockholm, is a great value for those who want to stay near downtown without spending too much. The rooms are recently renovated and situated on the trendy South Island, one stop from the Old Town in Stockholm, by subway and two from the Central Railway station downtown. Shopping, restaurants and entertainment in the Medborgarplatsen area are all within easy reach on foot. Don't miss the scenic walk along ?s?gatan up to the heights of the island. Good parking facilities in garage. Single rooms without supplement during summertime.

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Hotels by categories
Budget hotels
2 Stars [ Tourist class ]
3 Stars [ Standard class ]
4 Stars [ First class ]
5 Stars [ Luxe class ]
Hotels by price
Less than 1000 SEK
Less than 1500 SEK
Over 1500 SEK
Hotels by facilities
Hotels by location
Kungliga Slottet
Historiska Museet
Kungliga Biblioteket
Kungliga Operan
Hallwylska Museet
Stockholm-Arlanda Airport

Hotel information: Facilities

Hair dryerBaby-sittingPhone-direct dialSafe deposit boxSaunaLaundry serviceMinibarExchange facilityMovie channelsTelevisionNonsmoking roomsParking
Hotel Location description

Please, check carefully hotel address before reservation!
Some hotels are located in suburbs.

Magnus ladulaaggatan 42
Stockholm 118 27
-stockholm arlanda airport 40 km / 25 mi
-hotel located 2km/1.2mi south of stockholm city
Center and city terminal. 500 meters from the
"sodra station" and the uderground station

Hotel Facilities description

Property facilities and services:
-baby-sitting -exchange fac -hair dryer
-laundry svc -minibar -movie channels
-nonsmoking rms -parking -phone-dir dial
-safe dep box -sauna -television
-total 74 rooms including 5 suites
-all rooms with: bath tub / radio / trousers press /
Coffee/tea maker / movies in all rooms for
An extra charge
-some rooms with: balcony - on request only

Note: It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the adequacy of the hotel information.
We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information displayed

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