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HighlightsFriday, October 31, 2003 

U.S. Relations With Central America
Secretary Powell (Oct. 30 interview with CNN en Espanol): "Economic development, social development, the end of corruption, the rule of law, narco-trafficking, dealing with terrorism--all of these are important issues. And I am pleased that we have agreement on these issues with our friends in Central America, and we have to work together to achieve our mutual goals." [full text; more from trip] ]

The New Iraq: Progress and the Path ForwardThe New Iraq: Progress and the Path Forward
Worldwide support for reconstruction in Iraq continues to grow. Find out what Iraqis value most and the priorities they have set for building a new Iraq. [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]

State Department's Air Wing and Plan Colombia
Assistant Secretary Charles (Oct. 29): "I absolutely believe that there is a direct linkage between what we do abroad and what happens here in the United States...the riveting fact is that INL's program took $5 billion worth of cocaine, at street value, off the streets of the United States last year." [full text]

Reconstruction in Iraq: October 2003  USAID Photo: Thomas HartwellWorking With Community Leaders in Iraq
USAID partner Save the Children works with community leaders to identify projects benefiting the local community, including this kindergarten rehabilitation project in Basra, Iraq. Iraqi laborers are preparing a mud and straw mixture to be applied to the roof which would not support heavier cement re-inforcement. The project was funded under a grant from USAID and contributions from the community.

In Other News
Under Secretary Bolton's remarks on "The New World After Iraq: The Continuing Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction".

Coordinator for Counterterrorism Cofer Black testified before the House International Relations Committee on U.S. Counterterrorism Policy in Asia and the Pacific. Assistant Secretary Rocca testifed on U.S. Counterterrorism Policy towards South Asia.

Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Kansteiner discusses U.S. Policy on Africa during his tenure.

Deputy Secretary Armitage testifies on Security Threats and U.S. Policy towards Iran.

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