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 October 31, 2003
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Mom Wants Breast Milk Death Retried
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Posted: October 7, 2003 at 2:32 p.m.

RIVERSIDE (AP) -- A woman convicted in Riverside of killing her infant son with breast milk tainted with methamphetamines is seeking a retrial or a reduced charge.

31-year-old Amy Leanne Prien was found guilty of second-degree murder and four counts of child endangerment last month. She was also convicted on drug posession and faces 23 years to life in prison.

Defense attorney Stephen Yagman is alleging misconduct by prosecutors and argues the judge in the case misinstructed the jury.

Three-month-old Jacob Wesley Smith was found dead in his Mead Valley home in January last year. Prosecutors argued during the trial that his mother's heavy drug use had placed the baby at risk.

(Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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