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Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii - Banner
45-302 Makalani St.,  Kaneohe, HI, USA  96744-2819
Phone: (808) 291-0348 /Fax: (808) 247-6443 
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Rabbit Island, from Makapuu, Oahu, Hawaii - ATAH Digital Photo

Web Site Promotion

You can have the very best web site in the world.  It can be journalistically, technically, artistically, and grammatically perfect in every way.  But if no one visits your site it is useless.  With real estate it is "Location, Location, Location," with the Internet it is "Hits, Hits, Hits."  We can help you get hits.  The sites with the most visits are normally the most successful ones.

Content, site navigation, organization and download time are also important.   After all people come to your site to get information.  If the site is hard to understand, difficult to use or downloads are too long, visitors will often leave your site.   We can provide or check your content,

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Orange Hibiscus - State Flower,
Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii - ATAH Digital Photo

Web Promotion Services

A variety of web promotion services are provided.  The list below summarizes them:

bulletMaking websites user friendly:
bulletCreating & Checking Site Content for customer satisfaction
bulletChecking Micro-content for fast navigation and clear site organization (like making ALT tags for every picture)
bulletOptimizing Photos and Graphics for fast downloading
bulletCreating Page Titles that attract visitors
bulletChecking the site on Microsoft and Netscape
bulletAssistance to promote higher search engine rankings:
bulletPutting keywords in the domain name, file name of a given page, first line of text in a page and the title of the page.
bulletSeeking reciprocal links from other related websites.
bulletCreating Meta-tags for Description and Key Words
bullet Search Engine Registration (80% to 90% of hits come from search engines)
bulletConsultation On Other Promotional Methods like Banners, E-mail, etc.

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Misty Ridges of Haiku Valley, Kaneohe,
Oahu, Hawaii - ATAH Digital Photo

Web Promotion Resources

We have a variety of resources available for web promotion.  Our web promotions stock pile includes:

bullet Self online promotion tools
bullet Web Position Gold licensed software
bulletSearch Engine Watch Subscriber
bulletSubscriber to Internet Marketing Chronicles
bulletInternet Marketing Warriors Affiliate
bulletWeb Site Journal Subscriber
bulletMarket Position Newsletter Subscriber
bulletMicrosoft FrontPage Newsletter
bulletNet Objects Fusion Newsletter
bulletLaCroix Enterprises Internet Biz Kit
bulletMember of Hawaii Biz Club

Web Promotion Tools

A multitude of tools are available for web promotion. These help you to get better search engine rankings, obtain web site metrics information and help your visitors find their way around your site. The ultimate internet marketing software & resource site to help your business succeed on the net
bulletTrack web site activity.  This free service from can be obtained from the following hyperlink: (information on which URL they come from, their domains, keywords requested, search engines used to find the site, visits from bookmarks, page views, user paths, user profiles, traffic rate, statistics and much more)
bulletTo get a free internal web site search engine click here:
bulletFree Side by Side Comparison of Keyword densities between your URL and another URL (A density of 2-8% is a good Rule of Thumb, with a preference toward 2%).  A very similar tool is  Another expert source recommends a 3-7% keyword density.
bulletKeywords are the way your site is found.  One of the best tools for keywords to use is provided by Word Tracker.  Another keyword tool that obtains word suggestions from GoTo.Com, Lycos and Direct Hit click is at the following link:
bulletFor keyword suggestions go to:
bulletView popular search engine terms suggestion tools for Alta Vista, for and the Top 50 in Lycos.  Other search term suggestion tools: Keyword Analyzer Tool - free, SE Report, and WordSpot Free Weekly Top 200 Keyword and Keyphrase Email Report.
bulletDomain Name generators: use primary & secondary keywords,, use Power Search button, feature rich & checks trademarks, and combines features of 123Finder and Domain Fellow.
bulletGeneral and Detailed Reports of Sites Linking to a particular URL.  (Lists sites that link back to you, a higher number usually gives you a higher ranking with the search engines)
bullet Web Position Gold (Free Trial for a month) Invaluable Tool for increasing site rankings with the search engines

Free Reports

Learn more on your own on how to promote web sites.


Free Report "Secret Formulas for Writing Record Breaking Sales Letters"


Free Report "Signature Power in Marketing - How to Get Many Eyes to See Your Ad Every Day"

Insider Internet Marketing Secrets

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Internet Marketing Techniques

It's Free, People Love It and It Generates 1000's of Hits to Your Site Effortlessly!

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Join and Others Gladly Link to Your Site for Free!

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Web Promotion Sites

This list is a free resource provided to webmasters who wish to promote their own sites.

bulletGeneral Promotion Sites:
bulletInfoseek Resources:
bulletWeb Site Promotion Links
bulletWeb Marketing Links
bulletMultiple Press Releases (to Newspapers and Magazines)
bulletSearch Engine Related Sites:
bulletSearch Engine Watch Site (A Great Resource)
bulletSubmission Links to Various Search Engines - the largest web site index. - a fast way into Inktomi Database, engines which use this service include
bulletOpen Directory Project - Used by Lycos, Hotbot & others
bulletFast Engine - Also used by Lycos & other search engines
bulletDirect Hit Database - used by search engines for results (for instance Lycos and Hotbot)
bulletLooksmart is also being used by a lot of search engines and directories
bulletTips to Improve Search Engine Listing Position
bulletSearch Engine Newsletter keep abreast of latest trends
bulletSearch Engine and Directories Guide from Register It!
bulletNetsubmitter (software that automatically submits to 500 search engines.)
bulletExamples of Online Sales
bulletReprints Galore (Worldwide Reseller & Distributor Programs)
bulletKimo Bean (Exotic Hawaiian Coffee Source)
bulletWeb Hosting Sites
bulletHomestead - Award winning ISP site
bulletHypermart - Business sites, offering FrontPage Support
bulletClick2site - 30 MB disk space for Business & FP Support
bulletOnestop - FTP based, recommended for advanced users
bulletWBS - Web Community, Infoseek sponsored
bulletAnglefire - High-traffic sites
bulletTripod - Entrepreneur-friendly, High-traffic Sites
bulletGeocities - High-traffic, community involvement
bulletXoom - Offers 11 MB of web space
bulletFree E-mail Services - one of the first one of the biggest - award winning service
bulletBanner Exchange Services
bulletLink Exchange
bulletSmart Clicks
bulletWeb Publisher's Advertising Guide
bulletOther Resources
bulletWeb Site Post Office (Create Mailing List from Your Site Visitors)
bulletTattletale (a free service that performs hourly connection checks to make sure your site is up and running.)

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Makapuu Point, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii - ATAH Digital Photo



Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii - Banner
Copyright © 2001 - 2003 Brian Trenhaile.
This page was last updated on 03/18/03

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