Bureau of European and Eurasian AffairsThe Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, headed by Assistant Secretary A. Elizabeth Jones, implements U.S. foreign policy in Europe and Eurasia. The Bureau promotes U.S. interests in the region on issues such as national security, NATO enlargement, coordination with the European Union and other regional organizations, support for democracy, human rights, civil society, economic prosperity, the war on terrorism, and nonproliferation. President Bush has discussed the framework of U.S. policy in the following speeches: "We are striving for a world in which men and women can live in freedom and peace, instead of fear and chaos, and every civilized nation has a stake in the outcome." "The hopes of all mankind depend on the courage and the unity of great democracies. In this hour of challenge, NATO will do what it has done before: We will stand firm against the enemies of freedom." "We welcome a Europe that is truly united, truly democratic and truly diverse -- a collection of peoples and nations bound together in purpose and respect, and faithful to their own roots." For assistance, please contact the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs' Office of Public Affairs, Room 4515, Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520; Tel: (202) 647-9761. |
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