Alert on "Drive-by" Home Inspections A new consumer alert about a questionable tactic that some insurance companies are using to cancel policies. Contact 4 explains what it is and what you can do about it.
Hiring A Wedding Limo, Getting A Shuttle It should've been a magical moment for the bride who was suppose to be delivered to the church in a rolls royce once owned by Queen Victoria. But 15 minutes before Kelly Jones was set to leave her hotel, her rolls was nowhere to be seen.
Online Banks Offer Hefty Bonuses
Banks are now falling all over each other to give you money, if you try banking online. Find out the best bank offers.
Hit-and-Run Accidents Hit Victims Twice
11 out of every 100 accidents are hit-and-runs. They're up 15 percent since 1998. And if you're the victim of a hit-and-run, you get hit twice: first by the other vehicle; second, by having to pay for the repair costs.
Contact 4's Airplane Germ Test
Contact 4 tested areas and items on a plane that most frequently come into contact with passengers. We found plenty of germs, even on items that were sealed in bags.
Pros & Cons of Phone Number Portability
It may sound like a great idea, but phone number portability isn't without its pitfalls. Contact 4 has a look at the pros and cons.
Four Steps To Better Credit
Clear claims to sweep away credit trouble by disputing entries on your credit report. But BBB says the internet company has hidden membership fees and makes unauthorized charges.
Product Challenge: Chopper, Lift, Stitch
You've seen gadgets and products on TV that seem to do amazing things. Do they really live up to their claims? Contact 4 tests the Ultimate Chopper, Sudden Lift and Handy Stitch.
Get Gourmet Meals at Fast Food Prices
The Bay Area is known for its fabulous restaurants, complete with gourmet foods, and big price tags! But a fancy meal doesn't need to be expensive. Contact 4 tells us where we can find some great meal deals.
Bottled and Tap Water Taste Different?
Californians account for over a third of all the bottled water that's sold in the country. Why are so many people willing to pay for something they can get for free?
Healthcare Fraud Ring Moves to Bay Area
A Los Angeles based fraud ring that billed Medicare and taxpayers for $100 million in bogus claims this year alone, may be widening it's net into the Bay Area.
Taken for $100M in Bogus Medical Claims
It may be the biggest fraud case to hit California in decades: More than $100 million dollars in bogus medical claims and hundreds of Bay Area victims and taxpayers are literally being taken for a ride.
Control Traffic Lights in Seconds
Imagine never waiting in a traffic line again, being able to change a stoplight in seconds. Law enforcement has that ability. For a few hundred bucks, you can too with the MIRT.
Mag Highlights Best Eyewear Deals
With various brands of eye glasses and a range of different styles, stores and prices, choosing the right pair can be tricky.
Contact 4 Tests Infomercial Products
Can you really save both time and money as promised by some of the gadgets you see on infomercials? Don't take out your wallet until you see Contact 4's Product Challenge.
Will Chalk Keep Out Pesty Ants?
You may be able to keep your house free of those pesty ants by merely drawing a circle with the "miraculous insecticide chalk." But is it safe?
Can SFPD Regulate Psychics?
As some fortune tellers continue to lure victims with curses and tricks, police in San Francisco are having a hard time stopping it.
Choosing the Best Home Alarm System
They could come in through a window and break into your home when you're out of town or worse, when you're asleep. A good reason to get a home alarm system but the price of protection has a wide range.
Fitness Fake-Out
How far will a gym go to recruit new members? Contact 4 has been investigating Fitness USA, a national chain with local branches. Consumers accused the company of using deceptive tactics to sign them.
New Luggage Lock Safe on Security
There's a new luggage lock on the market. It's touted as a revolutionary way to secure your baggage and not interfere with airport security. But is it right for you?
Don't Be an Airline Ticket Trap Victim
There is a warning tonight for those making holiday travel plans. Find out how not to fall victim to an airplane ticket trap.
Priceline, More Door-to-Door Sales News
Lawsuits against Priceline are pending in three states including California. Also, the national Do-Not-Call list has cut off manys of customers from telemarketers, get ready for door-to-door salespeople.
How to Cancel a Door-to-Door Sale
If you buy something from a door-to-door salesperson, California law entitles you to a three-day cooling off period. But what if you cancel the sale but can't get your money back?
Consumers Rate Bank Service Size does not always matter when it comes to banks and the level of customer service they can provide. That's according to a survey of Bay Area financial institutions.
Luxury Cruise Deals
Champagne wishes and caviar dreams at a price you can afford - a glut of ships combined with a slow off-season are prompting the most luxurious cruise lines in the world to slash prices by more than 50%.
How To Haggle
When you buy a car, negotiation is part of the process to get the best price. But how often do you haggle at the mall? CONTACT 4 goes undercover to show the secrets of lowering prices on almost anything.
Pills Sold Without Prescriptions
In San Francisco's Tendeloin District, drug dealers are acting as street doctors and pharmacists. Forget crack and heroin, they'll get you pain relievers like Percocet and Oxycontin.
Mail Order Co. Leaves Buyers Hanging
A mail ordering company based in Canada, J.D. Marvel, sells everything from bras to clocks at an unbelievably low prices. But the BBB received at least 2300 complaints about the company, many from people who never received the products they paid for.
Arsenic Ban, Cell Number, Airfare News
Find out the latest about playground equipment made with arsenic-treated lumber, transferring phone numbers to a wireless provider and a great airfare sale from San Francisco to London.
AT&T; Hit With Do Not Call Violations
For the first time, the government is proposing a major fine against a company for making telemarketing calls to people on the Do-Not-Call list.
Uncle Sam Wants to Give You Money!
The Internal Revenue Service is mostly known for taking your money every year, when you pay income taxes. But now, we're helping the IRS give money away to thousands of Bay Area taxpayers. Are you one of them?
Guide to Buying a New TV
Thin is in when it comes to TVs these days. But there are so many kinds of flat screens it is hard to know which one is best for you.
Timeshare Could Pay $2M in Refunds
It may be the largest consumer protection settlement ever against a timeshare company. It could mean as much as $2 million back for consumers.
Halloween Costume Safety
Every year, parents are warned to keep their kids Halloween costumes safe. There are a number of ways your child could be injured and just as many ways to prevent it.
Insurance Tips Learned from Prior Fires
With the Southern California wildfires still threatening more homes, some homeowners are already starting the long, frustrating uphill struggle to rebuild. But there are lessons to be learned from survivors of previous disasters.
Tips for Filing Fire Insurance Claims
The wildfires in southern California serve as a wake up call for the rest of us. Are you fully prepared in case of a fire in your home? And how can you be sure your insurance company will cover the damage?
Home Repair Scammers Prey on Seniors
The rainy season is around the corner and with it comes annual roofing scams. The suspects are known as travelers, bands of fake home repairmen who move from town to town. The victims are mostly seniors, who often have no idea what hit them.
CA Fires Could Cost Us All
No matter where it is, a catastrophe like Oakland Hills fire means huge losses that affects everyone. After the Oakland fire 12 years ago, one East Bay agent says 400 of her clients lost insurance.
Man Sleeps Easy After Mattress Rebate
It was a great rebate offer: use a mattress for ten years then get half the purchase price back. But getting the money seemed like only a dream until Contact 4 got involved.
Travel Deal of the Week
Can you believe a round trip ticket to Hawaii for less than $200? That's one of the incredible travel bargains going on right now. And if you want to travel in luxury there are deals there too.
Cell Phone Recycling Plan Launched
About a million cell phones are tossed out in the U.S. every week. That's 50 million cell phones a year that end up leaking toxic substances into the environement. Now, some of the top wireless companies are launching a phone recycling plan.
Car Repair Shops Not Liable For Damage
Watch out for small print in car repair shops' liability release forms. The repair industry's standard is to not be responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles because of fire, theft or accidents beyond its control.
Are Extended Car Warranties For You?
New cars come with at least a 3-year warranty. Many used cars come with just 30 days of coverage. The question is: can you afford a major repair after that period?
Kids Playing With Sand Risk Cancer?
Children play in it, builders make homes with it, but now, some Bay Area parents are raising a red flag. The concern is over a label on the product that says it may be a cancer risk.
College Costs Rising; Worn Cord Warning
A new study says paying for tuition is tougher than ever and the Home Depot is teaming up with fire safety experts to educate consumers about the dangers of old, worn-out electrical cords.
Can't Cancel Mags You Didn't Order?
Contact 4 helps a woman buried under a pile of magazine subscriptions she never asked for, but was charged for.
Bankruptcy Website, DVD Recorder News
Find out about a new bankruptcy resource and get information about one of this season's hottest electronics gifts.
Catch Latest Flicks on the Cheap
These days, general admission typically costs between $8 to $9! But if you know where to go, you can see some of the best of the big screen, for just a couple of bucks.
Complaint about Cash Deposit at ATM
While just about everyone uses ATMs to "withdraw" cash, it seems that some consumers don't trust them when it comes to "depositing" cash.
Bigger is Better for Car Safety
Out of all the cars on the road, cars offering the best gas mileage, may not be the safest. Minivans and large four door cars were considered.
Dress Almost Ruins Wedding
Contact 4 investigates complaints about service, delivery and refunds at David's Bridal stores.
Online, In-Store Registry Prices Can Vary
Gift registries are no longer just for weddings. Many people are also registering for other special events as well. But buyer beware. Prices can be very different in cyberspace than in the actual store.
Airport, Airline and Fast Food News
Contact 4 reports on airport contraband, an airline recalling workers and a study showing which fast food is the speediest.
Some Stations Not Ready for Smog Check
If your car is due for a smog check soon, beware. Not only is the price higher, but some smog check stations aren't quite ready with the new, state-mandated equipment!
Get Rich Quick Scheme Targets Co-Eds
There are new developments in a Contact 4 investigation involving a money-making scheme that dozens of students fell victim to last year.