Alexa Crawls
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Kuuloa Kai Fishing Records
Weight 1
State Record 1
Single Day
Image (click for details)
Blue Marlin
Makaira mazara
Yellow Fin Tuna (Ahi) 2
Thunnus albacares
Dolphin Fish (Mahi-Mahi)
Coryphaena hippurus
67 3
Wahoo (Ono)
Acanthocybium solandri
Skipjack Tuna (Aku)
Katsuwonus pelamis
1 All weights are in pounds.
2 Yellow Fin Tuna over 100 lbs is called Ahi.
Anything less than 100 lbs is refered to as
a Shibi
3 This haul of Mahi-mahi weighted in at over
1,000 lbs.
North Shore Hanapa’a Jackpot Fishing Tournament
The largest Blue Marlin, weighing in at 509 lbs. during the 1999 Hanapa'a
Jackpot Tournament, found Captain Rusty's home made fish head lure to his liking.
For 19 years this tournament has been held in the month of June. A most exciting
annual event for Haleiwa with participating boats from Honolulu and other islands.
Captain Rusty Spencer and First Mate Scot Spencer of the Kuuloa Kai have
participated in the tournament almost every year. During that time the Kuuloa Kai
has never placed lower than 12th in a field of 60 to 100 boats. The Kuuloa Kai as
garnered 1st, 2nd and 3rd place over the years.
Fishing three days for Marlin, Ahi, Ono and Mahi-mahi using only trolling lures,
bait fishing is not allowed, the Kuuloa Kai usually has fish to be weighed at the
scale each day. Cash prizes are awarded for the largest of the four specie each
day and the tournament total. The grand cash prize is awarded to the first five
boats with the highest total poundage for the three-day tourney.
An unusual event in the 1999 tournament was the Kuuloa Kai being the only boat to
catch a marlin in the 3 days of fishing. The 509 lb. marlin found Captain Rusty's
home made fish head lure to his liking and helped win second place in the tournament,
plus the largest marlin for the day and the tournament.