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Posting Multiple Resumes
If you are willing to relocate, willing to commute, willing to travel or have many different career interests, posting multiple resumes could be an ideal strategy for you.
Getting the Word Out You've spent hours fine-tuning your resume, and the ink is barely dry on your final print copy, when it suddenly hits you -- What do I do now?" Answer: start marketing. There is no magic to marketing. Simply put, it's getting your resume to people who can assist you in your career search either by hiring you or by referring you to someone who can.
Why Self-Promotion Is the Key to Success We hear over and over that networking is a critical component to any successful job search. By now you know that you've got to get out and meet new people to find the best leads. But there's something else that goes hand in hand with networking: Self-promotion is a crucial element to your success in finding a job, moving up to a better one and negotiating a raise.
Your Resume Is Your Ad You hear it all the time, "Your resume is a marketing tool." So why is it that no one ever asks a professional copywriter for advice when writing the most important ad of all-time...your resume? Good question! So here are some tips from just a professional copywriter!
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