The Wayback Machine -
Oceania Historical Pictures

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The historical images on this Web site give a good
 indication of the depth and diversity of Oceanic life during this time.

Early Samoa postcard.

1934 Photo, Pan American China Clipper, Hawaii.

 Fiji postcard.

Rarotonga Church, Cook Islands.

Early view of Levuka, Fiji.

Oriental Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Samoan girls mixing kava.

Tonga: Opening of Parliament House, Nuku'alofa.

Tahiti Islands.

An early postcard from the Solomon Islands.

A comic postcard from Samoa.

An 1895 village scene, Papua New Guinea.

Early Samoan dancers.

Southern Cross and canoes at Santa Cruz, Solomon Islands.

A Neck Tally from Papua New Guinea. Neck tallies are used in the Papua New
Guinea Highlands to tally debt and express status, that is to tally the singsings
 and pig kills he has given or received. A man's place in the tribe is measured
by what he has given at feasts. Papua New Guinea has 1000 tribes and
700 languages, 1/4 of the world's languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea.


Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries
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                 Click Here Postcards from Oceania                     
   Click Here Pacific Islands Radio 33K        
  Click Here Pacific Islands Radio 28     

Pacific Islands Radio Stations

(E-mail: -- Rev. 12th October 2002)