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Promotion Partner Program

Mercury Network's Promotion Partner Program is the easy way to get free Internet service and generate extra revenue with little to no effort. The program rewards participants with cash for every account they refer.

The program is designed for technology companies in which the sale and promotion of Internet products and services makes a fit. Such companies include, but are not limited to, computer shops, networking companies, telephony integrators, web site developers and wireless phone stores. Promotion Partners must have at least one account with Mercury Network in order to participate. There are no contracts, sales requirements or other special obligations as part of the program.

We support our Promotion Partners using the following tools:

  • We provide a hanging banner for display in your showroom or storefront window.

  • We provide a counter display that holds CD-ROM Internet Starter Kits. The CD-ROM packaging will be labeled with a $5.00 OFF coupon code that links to your company's Promotion Partner account, ensuring that you get credit for every account that signs up using those CDs.

  • We provide brochures that outline all of the services we provide.

  • We provide product information, including product overviews, features, service areas, frequently asked questions and benefits.

We reward our Promotion Partners the following ways:

  • We issue credit equal to the monthly recurring charge for every account opened or referred through your store, with the following exceptions: Residential DSL is a $17.95 credit; Business DSL and Dedicated 56K-based services are a $50 credit, and Dedicated T-1 and T-3-based services are a $100 credit. Credits are issued after 30 days when the account is paid in full. Credits apply toward the mandatory Internet account first. Should there be a deficit in your account, you will be billed the difference. You may cash out a credit balance at any time. Both paid and pending referral credits can be viewed in the Mercury Network Account Manager at

  • We will provide your customers with one full year of Flat-Rate Dial-Up service for only $100 (pre-payment required) when the following conditions are met: a) they purchase a new computer from you, b) you pre-load the Mercury Network software onto their computer, c) a company associate opens their Mercury Network account for them, and d) they are shown, briefly, how to log on and access the web and e-mail through their Mercury Network account. We may request a receipt as proof of purchase. You will receive the standard cash credit amount based on which dial-up account the customer opens. Our regular price for annual Flat-Rate Dial-Up service is $179.50.

  • We may refer our customers to your store for software pick-up, both over the phone and in advertising, generating foot-traffic to your store.

  • We may refer customers to you for computer upgrades and repair.

  • We may refer customers to you for network setup and configuration.

  • We may dispatch you, from time to time, to perform on-site service work at end-user locations on a prepaid basis.


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