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 December 14, 2003
Yellow Pages
The Bay Area's News Station
Know Thyself: An Easy Approach
Asking yourself five basic questions can provide a surprising amount of information about your values, motivation, temperament and personal style. Here's how to use these insights to guide your career choices.
Find A New Job
Why You Should Ignore Negative Job-Market News
Bleak media reports about the economy make many unemployed professionals think they can't find work. But don't believe everything you read -- jobs are always being created, even if reporters aren't telling you about them.
These Recruiter Insights Will Give Your Search a Lift
Top Five Reasons to Post Your Resume
30 Days to a Great Job
Proper "Netiquette" for Internet Communications
Make Your Cover Letter Count
More Job Search Articles...
Resume Tips
15 Tips for Writing A Great Resume
The thought of writing a resume intimidates almost anyone. It's difficult to know where to start or what to include. It can seem like an insurmountable task. Here are 15 tips to help you not only tackle the task, but also write a winning resume.
Avoid the Top 10 Resume Mistakes
Your Resume: How to Make It Stand Out
Resumes Vs. CVs: What's the Difference
More Resume Tips...
Advertising Yourself
Posting Multiple Resumes
If you are willing to relocate, willing to commute, willing to travel or have many different career interests, posting multiple resumes could be an ideal strategy for you.
Why Self-Promotion Is the Key to Success
Getting the Word Out
Your Resume Is Your Ad
More on Advertising Yourself...
Interview Small Talk Makes a Big Impression
Many job seekers are so focused on selling themselves that they become wooden while waiting for "real" questions. Here's how to make a connection with hiring managers and set yourself apart from the crowd.
Know the Going Rate Before Talking Salary
Interview Like A Champion
Make a Great Impression
More on Interviewing...
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Recruiting News
Where Do I Go to Find the Resumes?
Calculating the Cost of Hiring Poor Salespeople
Don't Forget To Revolt First!
Why Sports Recruiters Are Heroes, and Corporate Recruiters Aren't
Outsourcing: Why It's Happening and What To Do About It
Recruiters Five Day Newsfeed and Research
Monday - Outplacement
Tuesday - Recruiting News
Wednesday - Real Tools
Thursday - NetNews
Friday - Mergers and IPOs

Friday at 8PM
Do you ever get the feeling that an accident is just waiting to happen?  Dr. Phil discusses how to prevent accidents without being overprotective.

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