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Afghanistan: Kabul-Kandahar Highway

Recent Speeches and Testimony

Remarks by Andrew S. Natsios,
Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development

Dedication Ceremony for the Phase I Completion, Kabul - Kandahar Highway

Durrani, Afghanistan
December 16, 2003

President Karzai, Ambassador Khalilzad, Ambassador Komano, Minister Ali, Governors, members of the Constitutional Loya Jirga, and distinguished guests.

The construction of this road that we are about to dedicate is the direct result of a commitment made by President George Bush to his friend President Hamid Karzai last fall in Washington. Since that time, President Bush has maintained a deep personal interest in the progress of this road and insured that we had the necessary funding and support to fulfill his pledge to have the highway open by the end of this year. Under his direction and leadership, an extraordinary and diverse group of people, working under the most difficult circumstances, have joined together to complete this historic task and deliver on his pledge.

The personal sacrifices of citizens from many nations made this achievement possible.

We give special recognition today to the U.N. de-miners and the Ministry of Interior Highway patrol, over 1,100 strong.

And I want to thank also and give gratitude to several who were particularly vital in this effort: The Public Works Minister Ali; The Government of Japan; The Louis Berger Group and its chief-of-party Jim Meyers, as well as the Afghan, Turkish, and Indian subcontracting companies.

On behalf of the American people, we would thank all of you.

I would also like to pause for a moment to honor the Afghan citizens who died in service to their country in building this highway. The names of these patriots are inscribed on a memorial plaque located just behind me on the edge of the road.

And for those who have suffered injuries from hostile attacks by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, and for the Turkish Engineer who recently was released from captivity, and for the two Indian engineers still under captivity - our prayers are with you.

As one young boy told us just the other day, "Not only my parents, but all the villagers are happy with the new road because we can get sick people to the clinic faster."

A father, who is a farmer and has six children, now tells us, "My children can go more easily to school. And now it's much easier for me to take my fruit and vegetables to the market."

What we have completed with the Japanese Government and the Ministry of Public Works is the first phase of the completion of this highway. It is paved now from Kabul to Kandahar.

Next spring, an additional layer of asphalt will be laid - a second layer - and the highway shoulders on either side of the road will be improved, and the signs will be placed.

More importantly, we are now beginning, with the Ministry of Public Works, the engineering work on the segment of road from Kandahar to Heart so we can complete the rest of the highway in terms of the commitment that was made by President Bush.

Other donors have made a commitment to reconstruct the Ring Road from the northern part from Herat to Kabul.

This Ring Road is a symbol of the reconstruction of Afghanistan and the commerce that will be encouraged by it, the education that will be more easily obtained because of it, and the better health care that will be accessible by citizens because of it.

Thank you very much.

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