Ishraqat: The Dawning of New Days
A Photographic Exhibit of Palestinian Visions of Hope
Press: (202) 712-4320
Public Information: (202) 712-4810
December 16, 2003
Contact: USAID Press Office
WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Agency for International Development is hosting "Ishraqat - the Dawning of New Days, the Hope for a Better Future," a photo exhibit which reflects Palestinian vision of hope. This exhibit begins with a glance at the breadth of USAID's programming and the visions of hope of those with whom we work - the Palestinian people. Reflected in these photographic essays is the balance between America's humanitarian and development assistance provided in Palestine since the start of the Intifada in September 2000.
The host of the event was the Deputy Administrator for USAID, Frederick W. Schieck and the keynote speaker was Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Cultural Affairs, Patricia S. Harrison.
The focus of the exhibit reinforces the commitment to fulfill the vision of Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace. The photos express the courage of children to overcome their fears and dream of a better future; the determination to maintain a foothold in the world economy; the challenges to preserve the space of a vibrant, educated civil society; and, despite natural and man-made obstacles, the continued search for one of life's essential elements - water.
The exhibit's Faces of a Future Palestinian Democracy exposes the evolution of political change in Palestinian society. Also included in the exhibit is the on-line magazine Asalah. This publication is devoted to the culture and traditions, an important value in Palestinian society.
Since the signing of the 1993 Oslo Accord in 1993, the U.S. government has committed $1.3 billion in economic assistance to the people living in West Bank/Gaza. USAID assistance is delivered primarily through direct contracts or grants with U.S. firms and private non-governmental organizations. The goal of the USAID program is to promote stability and create the groundwork for an eventual peace settlement. An underlying objective of the USAID program is to improve the quality of life for Palestinians.
The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.
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