Phase I: Kabul-Kandahar Highway
The journey from Kabul to Kandahar was an arduous trip that required two days to travel; much of the road (surface) and several bridges suffered considerable deterioration, damage and lack of investment over the years, particularly during two-and-a half decades of civil war and hostilities. President Karzai stated that reconstruction of the country's principal road system is key to Afghanistan's economic recovery, as more than 35% of Afghanistan's population lives within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of the highway.
Today, the first step toward reconstruction of Afghanistan's national road system is complete. Phase I of the 389 kilometer (241 miles) highway linking Kabul to Kandahar is open to traffic. As a result, people from Kabul to Kandahar enjoy better access to markets, healthcare, schools and jobs. At the national level, the highway has already begun to contribute to Afghanistan's improved economic growth, security and national unity.
The entire length of the Kabul-Kandahar highway is 482 kilometers (300 miles). USAID reconstructed 389 kilometers (242 miles) of the highway; the government of Japan funded the reconstruction of 50 kilometers (31 miles) of highway, and the remaining 43 kilometers (27 miles) did not require resurfacing.
Afghan Ring RoadUSAID-Funded Kabul-Kandahar Corridor
 |  Road Segment Lengths Segment A - 21.1M/34Km Segment B - 30.4M/49Km Segment C - 52.8M/85Km Segment D - 52.8M/85Km Segment E - 52.8M/85Km Segment F - 52.8M/85Km Segment G - 31.6M/50Km Road Segments Source: HIU - Oct 2003 Base Data Source: AIMS October 2003 |
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