Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline
You may request confidentiality when using telephone or U.S.
1-800-230-6539 or 202-712-1023
Send mail to:
US Agency
for International Development
Office of Inspector General Investigations (USAID/OIG/I)
P.O. Box 657
Washington, DC 20044-0657
purpose of the OIG Hotline is to receive complaints of Fraud,
Waste or Abuse in USAID programs and operations, including
mismanagement or violations of law, rules or regulations by
USAID employees or program participants. The OIG provides
oversight services for the Inter-America Foundation, and the
African Development Foundation, and upon request, to the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation. Complaints may be received
directly from USAID employees, participants in USAID programs,
or the general public. The IG Act and other pertinent laws
provide the protection of persons making Hotline complaints.
You have the option of submitting your complaint(s) via Internet
electronic mail, telephone, or U.S. mail. However, if you
elect to submit your complaint(s) via Internet e-mail you
must waive confidentiality due to the non-secure nature of
Internet electronic mail systems.