Welcome to FrontLines, the employee news publication of USAID. FrontLines features articles about the work that USAID is doing, and the people who are doing it. It is produced monthly and distributed electronically and in print to every employee and retiree, as well as some friends of USAID.
November 2003
Inside this issue:
- Agency Staff Cope With Iraq’s Difficult Times
- USAID Stretches: Budget Doubles to $14 Billion
- Djibouti, Yemen Win New U.S. Aid
- HIV/AIDS Campaign in Guyana
- OTI Teams Rush Critical Aid to Crisis
- Mission of the Month: Zambia
- Knowledge for Development is Vital to Agency
- Burundi Prepares for Return of Refugees
- Vaccine Tested for Malaria, World’s Most Widespread Infectious Disease
- Senegal’s Processed Cashew Nuts Raise
- Afghan Farmers Reap Good Harvests
- Georgian Chestnuts Crack Elite European Market
- Iraq Reconstruction: Firms Seek Iraq Contract Advice at CPA’s Industry Day
... and more!
Past issues:
October 2003
September 2003
July/August 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
March 2003
Feb. 2003
Jan. 2003
Nov./Dec. 2002 (PDF - 1,066 kb)
FrontLines is published by the
Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs
U.S. Agency for International Development
Agency employees and others are encouraged to submit news stories,
feature articles, photos and ideas. Click here for submission forms.
Material should be submitted by mail to Editor, FrontLines, USAID,
RRB, Suite 6.10, Washington, DC 20523-6100; by FAX to 202-216-
3035; or by e-mail to
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