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Bureau of Resource Management
Planning and Performance
 - 1999 U.S. International Affairs Strategic Plan
 - FY 2004-2009 Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan
 - FY 2004 Performance Plan
 - FY 2002 Performance and Accountability Report
 - FY 2000-01 Remediation Plan (FFMIA of 1996)

Planning and Performance

Planning, performance, and accountability are closely related to the formulation and implementation of funding requests and are carried out by means of:

-- The U.S. International Affairs Strategic Plan establishes a comprehensive framework for U.S. foreign policy goals.
-- The
Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan supports the policy positions set forth in the National Security Strategy and presents how the Department and USAID will implement U.S. foreign policy and development assistance.
-- The Department of State
Performance Plan specifies the performance outcomes that the Department aims to accomplish, along with how the Department will do it and how the Department will document the results.
-- The Department of State's Performance and Accountability Report provides performance and financial information that enables Congress, the President, and the public the ability to assess the performance of the Department relative to its mission and for stewardship of the resources entrusted to it.
-- The
Remediation Plan fulfills the State Department's statutory reporting requirement under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996. FFMIA requires an agency to submit a Remediation Plan when the agency's financial systems are not in substantial compliance with Federal accounting standards, the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger at the transaction level, or Federal financial management systems requirements.

Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan
The FY 2004-2009 plan is now available.

Performance Plan
The FY 2004 plan is now available.

Performance and Accountability Report
--Read about the awards the Department has won for its report.
--The FY 2002 report combines detailed information on the Department's audited financial statements and performance results achieved. The annual report is submitted to the President, Congress, and members of the public to inform on how well the Department performed in managing its programs and finances.

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