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Accessibility at the Department

Logo for IMPACT: Information Management Program for Accessible Computer/Communication Technology 

In honor of the 13th anniversary (July 26, 2003) of the Americans with Disabilities Act, President George W. Bush signs the executive order renaming the President's Committee on Mental Retardation to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID) in the Oval Office Friday, July 25, 2003. In addition to witnessing the signing, the PCPID were on hand to hear President Bush record his weekly radio address. White House photo by Paul MorseIn honor of the 13th anniversary (July 26, 2003) of the Americans with Disabilities Act, President George W. Bush signs the executive order renaming the President's Committee on Mental Retardation to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID) in the Oval Office Friday, July 25, 2003. In addition to witnessing the signing, the PCPID were on hand to hear President Bush record his weekly radio address. White House photo by Paul Morse.

IMPACT, the Department of State's Information Resource Management Program for Accessible Computer/Communication Technology, serves as an advocate for the accessibility of Department technology, information, and programs by all employees and customers - including those Department employees and customers with disabilities.

Announcement of the IMPACT initiative coincided with the October 1997 commemoration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month and the anniversary of the Department's first "Access the World" event. IMPACT serves as the Department's customer-driven vehicle to achieve that global vision by serving as the Department's IRM accessibility resource as well as by providing a forum for the expression of accessibility concerns and innovative suggestions

For further information, please contact:
IMPACT Founder/Manager
Voice: 202-647-1003
TTY: 202-647-4244



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