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Fighting Corruption
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Fighting Corruption

The Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)  works with other governments to adopt effective practices to promote public integrity and fight official corruption, and to assist each other in implementing them by mutual evaluation.

During the last year, this Administration has been actively involved in a number of activities to promote U.S. Government goals and intergovernmental cooperation.

UN Convention Against Corruption
The United States, represented by Attorney General John Ashcroft, signed the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Merida, Mexico on December 9, 2003. [Department of State photo]The United States, represented by Attorney General John Ashcroft, signed the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Merida, Mexico on December 9, 2003.

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Negroponte speaks on resolution adopting the UN Convention Against Corruption.

Transnational Crime and Corruption
Deputy Assistant Secretaries Pifer and Schrage testify on combating transnational crime and corruption in Europe.

UN Convention
Successful completion of the UN Convention Against Corruption.

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