Posted: October 2, 2003 at 5:01 p.m. BAY AREA (KRON) -- If your car is due for a smog check soon, beware. Not only is the price higher, but some smog check stations aren't quite ready with the new, State-mandated equipment!
Lots of people put off the smog check until it's time to renew your car registration. But waiting could cost you, since you could have trouble finding a smog station willing and able to do the test before your registration deadline.
The State expected new, more sensitive smog machines to be set up ready to go by the October 1st deadline. But we've found that's not always the case.
"Currently we're in a lockout status because our machine did not arrive and we're not set up to do smogs currently," says Chuck Kelley, with Grace Honda in San Bruno. Grace Honda ordered its new smog equipment in July, but it just arrived today, and remains in unpacked boxes. It will take days to install and then the State has to come and test it.
Grace Honda isn't alone.
The state Bureau of Automotive Repair's website lists approved smog check facilities. Contact 4 called at random, and 25% of those we contacted don't have the necessary equipment ready and are not able to perform smog checks.
"I've called the company I ordered the machine from many times," says Kelly. "The answer I get is: `There's not enough machines manufacturered for the demand.'"
If you need a a smog check, our Contact 4 team suggests going to the Bureau of Automotive Repair website first. Plug in your zip code to find a certified station near you. Make sure the test site you want actually has the new equipment, and call to make sure the equipment is working properly. At some faciltiies, like Grace Honda, it could take more than a week.
"I can't service my customers correctly," says Kelly. "It angers the customer. They're in a situation where they're required by law to do a smog. It's frustrating for most everyone."
When you call to ask about equipment, you should also ask if you need an appointment. Some places we called say they're backed up and may not have an opening for a week or more.
(Copyright 2003, KRON 4. All rights reserved.)