Personnel Directory Instructions
First Name, Last Name, Phone: Each field in the phone database will be searched for entries that begin
with whatever you type in, so that if you type "jo" in the last name field, the search results will include
last names like "Johnson", "Jones" and "Jolly".
Other Fields: Each field in the phone database will be searched for entries that include whatever
you type in, so if you type "irm" in the Organization field, the search results will include "M/IRM" as well as
"M/IRM/CIS" for example.
No wild cards, such as the asterisk, are necessary, and you can mix upper and lower case letters without
changing the results of the query.
Please note: do not enter "USAID/W," "Washington," or "Washington, D.C.," in the "location" block of the
Phone Book form. There are no such general locations in the database. A more specific location must be entered.
Enter, for example, "RRB".
Entering "202" in the "Phone" block will retrieve records of all employees located in Washington, D.C.
Fax Directory Instructions
Each field in the fax database will be searched for entries that include whatever you type in, so that
if you type "irm" in the organization field, the search results will include
organizations like "M/IRM" and "/MIRM/CIS". No wild cards, such as the asterisk, are
necessary, and you can mix upper and lower case letters without changing the results of the query.
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