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CA Awaits Arnold's State of State Speech
While an international audience may watch some of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's first major speech Tuesday night, Californians will be the ones paying the closest attention as the new governor outlines how he intends to solve the state's pressing financial problems.
Airports Begin Fingerprinting Foreigners
Authorities began scanning fingerprints and taking photographs of arriving foreigners Monday as part of a new program that Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said will make borders "open to travelers but closed to terrorists."
Britney's Wedding Annulment Granted
Britney Spears' two-day-old marriage to a childhood friend was dissolved Monday shortly after the pop superstar filed for an annulment, claiming she didn't fully understand what she was doing when she got hitched on the spur of the moment.
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Tuesday at 8PM Dr. Phil's wife, Robin, reveals what Dr. Phil is really like at home and what lands him in the doghouse. Plus, Dr. Phil helps a wife who's fed up with her husband "spooning" the dog in bed.
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