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 January 7, 2004
Yellow Pages
Posting Multiple Resumes
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Posting Multiple Resumes

You can post up to 5 resumes on CareerBuilder. Here are a few reasons you might want to take advantage of this feature. In many cases, you can use the same resume over and over again, just by changing a few details.

Willing to relocate?
Would you like a change of scenery or climate? Perhaps you've been away from family too long. Whatever your reason, don't rely on that line in the resume form that says you're willing to relocate. Express your willingness by posting multiple resumes. You can post the same resume in as many cities, states, or countries as you're willing to live. This way, your resume will appear in the search results when employers and recruiters are looking for candidates in those locations.

Willing to Commute?

So you don't want to move, but you're willing to drive a little farther for a better job. Don't just post to the largest city near you; post the same resume to each of the surrounding cities and townships. This allows local employers and recruiters to narrow their searches and still find your resume!

Broad Coverage:
Unless your skills are extremely specialized, there are probably several job titles you're qualified for. Make a list of every relevant position you can think of, and then post your resume under each of those titles. This way, you'll appear several times in broad search results, and you will increase your frequency of appearing in more narrowly defined searches.

Multiple Career Paths:
Changing careers –- not just jobs -- is becoming the norm these days. If more than one career path interests you, express it with multiple resumes. This is a case where identical resumes with different titles are probably not such a great idea. Instead, slant your resume for each career you're interested in. Emphasize the skills and experience you have that are relevant to employment in that field.

VIP Resume Reserve:

An increasing number of employers and recruiters are paying for access to the VIP Resume Reserve on CareerBuilder. Make sure you come to the attention of these serious individuals by posting multiple resumes. As you probably know, all new resumes are held in VIP Resume Reserve for seven days before being released for public searching. Some pensive job seekers choose to keep their resumes in VIP Resume Reserve permanently. But this does not have to be an either/or situation. Multiple resumes can allow you to be private and public at the same time!

A Final Tip:
To save time posting multiple resumes, upgrade your CareerBuilder status to Advanced User. Select My User Info in "my careerbuilder" and check the "Advanced User" box at the bottom of the form. This gives you some additional options in My Resumes, including the ability to copy a resume. The copy feature works like a template, allowing you to quickly produce multiple copies of the same resume, changing only the pertinent details (title, location, etc.). These are just a few of the reasons to have multiple resumes on CareerBuilder. With a little creativity, you can probably think of others. Be sure and let us know how it works for you! Customer Service: 866-438-1485 8 am - 9 pm ET, M - F 

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