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Overseas Security Advisory Council Monday, 12 January 2004

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OSAC Publications
OSAC continually promotes the exchange of information on developments in all aspects of security and recommends methods for planning and implementing security programs abroad. To achieve these objectives, OSAC established committees to address issues such as emergency preparedness, physical security, and protection of proprietary information.

OSAC committees have produced seven publications to be used as guidelines by the American private sector living and operating abroad. The publication format is designed to be used by the security professional as part of tier organizations' awareness and education program. OSAC now has a comprehensive library of security guidelines with thousands of copies distributed to the American private sector doing business abroad. OSAC will continue to produce timely publications designed to assist the U.S. private sector in meeting security challenges overseas.


Recently these guidelines have been converted to text based documents for the benefit of the constituency. If you are having problems with these documents, right-click on the link and download the text file to your desktop.

  • Security Guidelines for American Families Living Abroad
  • Security Guidelines for American Enterprises Abroad
  • Emergency Planning Guidelines for American Businesses Abroad
  • Security Awareness Overseas - An Overview
  • Guidelines for Protecting U.S. Business Information Overseas
  • Personal Security Guidelines for the American Business Traveler Overseas
  • Security Guidelines for Children Living Abroad


  • Responding to a Biological or Chemical Threat: A Practical Guide (Adobe PDF, 225Kb)
  • OSAC's Country Councils (Adobe PDF, 25Kb)

    Miscellaneous Publications

  • Model Contingency/Evacuation Plan (Adobe PDF, 33.5Kb)
    "This is OSAC" (July 2003)
    Adobe Acrobat    "This is OSAC", a PowerPoint presentation that describes OSAC's origins, the OSAC Council, the mission, its committees, OSAC services, OSAC issues, and Country Councils location.
    Click here to find out. Adobe Acrobat (12.9 Mb)

    For More Information:
    Overseas Security Advisory Council
    Bureau of Diplomatic Security
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, D.C. 20522-1003

    Telephone: 571-345-2223
    Facsimile: 571-345-2238

  • Right Mid Border
    Lower Left Border Lower Mid Border Lower Right Border
    Upper Left Border Upper Mid Border Upper Right Border
    Left Mid Border
    Right Mid Border
    Lower Left Border Lower Mid Border Lower Right Border
     Latest News

    This box reflects information last updated on 13 January 2004.


    Notice: "The contents of the OSAC website in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). Users of this web site may cite it provided they do so in a manner which clearly identifies it as the secondary source. Please view our Privacy and Security Notice."