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Art Fraud Report

What people are saying

Scams A - Z
Lost or Stolen images

Commodity Futures Trading Commission 

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of

Federal Bureau of Investigation 

Federal Trade Commission 

Internet Fraud Complaint Center 

Securities and Exchange Commission 

U.S. Customs Service 

U.S. Postal Inspection Service 

U.S. Secret Service 

U.S. Sentencing Commission 

Washington State Attorney General

Non governmental  Web Sites 

American Association of Retired Persons 

Better Business Bureau 


Internet Fraud Council 

Internet Fraud Watch 

National Association of Attorneys General 

National Association of Securities Dealers

National Consumers League 

National Fraud Information Center 

North American Securities Administrators Association 

U.S. News & World Report Online - Citizen's Toolbox

More helpful links


We report on stories that we believe will be of interest to you and for educational purposes.. When you read the reports brought to you on this site please keep in mind that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

We ask you to read the documents provided and to make up your own mind as to the seriousness of the situation.

Art Fraud Report is brought to you by  and is dedicated to helping buyers and artists. All we do is state the facts as they are presented to us and the rest is up to you.
If you are a victim of a  Art Scam or Art Fraud please contact us at or

Special Report: 
  Con Men and Fake Art Lying, stealing, forging, illegal coping and illegal investment schemes.

Evan Wall Carter arrested
Evan Wall Carter also known as Michael Harrison was arrested at 8 a.m. Thursday January 9 2003. This is one con man that is now off the internet due to the efforts of all the people involved.  The police have charged him with 42 counts of FELONY GRAND THEFT

RENOIR Sculptures at the "Rima Fine Art" gallery Scottsdale AZ  Are they Forged Castings or are they The Real Deal ????
  Mrs. Tracy Penwell 

    Mr. Dror Darel  


"Rima Fine Art" and "House of Renoir" not the real deal after all.

Click to see court document

Fake Renoir sculptures in Scottsdale*

A letter from the Renoir and Guino family points out that most of the Renoir sculptures at the "Rima Fine Art Gallery" in Scottsdale AZ, owned by Tracy Penwell and run by Dror Darel are FAKE.

The original plasters the gallery claims are in their collection are actually at the SUSSE Foundry in Paris click to see document.


“The Court States that Mr. Jean-Emmanuel RENOIR and Mrs. HERNANDEZ, by promoting forged castings and issuing certificates of authenticity have also become jointly responsible,”

1...Artspace200 sent an email asking for House of Rima fine Art to tell us their side but unfortunately we never did get a response

2*** Artspace2000 received a phone call on June 20  from the acting attorney for House of Rima fine Art  promising to send us a detailed email with all the correct facts relating to this story. 

3...Email received from Emmanuel Renoir and Louise Hernandez-Renoir 

Beware of Marc Rosenbaum 
By Alberto Chailosky 
I am sure you did not know they were stolen at the time of purchase. Mr. Rosenbaum can be quite slick and deceiving. I need to know if you own one of these pieces. I have NO intention of prosecuting you , or asking for my work back.

Australians are hitting back 
Standards Australian is seeking industry agreement for a new national code of conduct and on-line register for the art industry to stamp out art forgeries, which cost art buyers millions of dollars. Art fraud has reached epidemic proportions around the world with thousands of people falling victim every year.

John Drewe, 50, 
Accused of amassing large amounts of money by selling fakes of modern masters on the art market as newly rediscovered works.  It is also alleged that he corrupted valuable art archives - including those at the Tate Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum - by forging histories for the works, thereby damaging "British heritage"
and potentially ruining the reputations of the artists involved. 

Well-Traveled Renoir
In 1985, an art dealer in Missouri purchased a Renoir painting entitled La Loge (also called Au Theatre) for $191,000. He later learned the painting was a fake and was copied from an existing Renoir located in Paris.

Fradulent Credit Cards used to Purchase Artwork
So we called the issuing bank and, sure enough they were all stolen numbers from Americans.


Lizardi/Harp Gallery Here is the story of my bad experience with the gallery in  Pasadena California.  by Wim Heldens

Suspicious email contact
I want to view your paintings (or sculptures). Hope you have a variety of  them. I am willing to make a choice and also make a purchase of them.


Help us stop art fraud. If you have been involved either as an artist, buyer, or  
 collector please contact us at  You can also help by
 putting the following logo on your site and linking it to
  We are putting art conman on notice. 
 We are not going to stand for it.
 Let others know. Use this symbol and help us get the word out there. You can either right mouse 
 click and save image then insert on your web site or you can just copy and insert html code where
 you want to place the symbol for others to see.


We would love to know if you are putting this logo on your site. Just drop us a line with your URL to just put art fraud in the subject line and your url and we would love to visit your site..

If you think you can not help make a difference just read about Evan Wall Carter and how several artists and Artspace2000 help put this man behind bars. We can do this if everyone does their part. So please help and lets not hear of another artist or person falling victim to yet another scam. If you have a lost or stolen image(s) send us a copy and we will post it on the

**Remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty and that is why we
 recommend that  you read the information and then make up your 
own minds

Our Partners in  the fight to Stop Art Fraud 


Our Sponsors in the fight to Stop Art Fraud


If you are an internet art gallery and want to become a partner/sponsor contact Pat or Lynn at  or you can call 204 344 5070 [ direct line ] .
204 344 5810 [ 4 the Artist ].
  204 797 0149 [ cell # for Pat ]
 If we all work together we can make a difference

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