Issued by the Met Office at 0500 UTC on Monday 02 February.
Inshore Waters Forecast to 12 miles offshore from 0500 UTC to 0500 UTC.
From Cape Wrath to Rattray Head including Orkney.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 5 or 6, soon 4. backing southeast 4, later south or southwest 5
or 6, local 7 in the north.
Weather: fair, rain later.
Visibility: good, later moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest soon southeast 6 to local gale 8. veering southwest gale 8 or
severe gale 9.
Weather: occasional rain or showers.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Rattray Head to Berwick on Tweed.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 5 or 6, soon 4. backing south 4, then increasing 6 local 7.
south or southwest 4 late.
Weather: fair, soon rain. fair again later.
Visibility: good, occasional moderate on rain.
Sea State: slight to moderate.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south or southwest 5 or 6. soon south later southwest 7 or gale 8.
Weather: rain, soon mainly fair.
Visibility: mainly good.
Sea State: moderate later rough.
Berwick on Tweed to Whitby.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest backing south 4 or 5. increasing south or southwest 6 or 7,
then south 4 late.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: slight to moderate, local rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south or southwest 5 or 6, soon 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 again
Weather: rain, soon mainly fair.
Visibility: mainly good.
Sea State: moderate later rough.
Whitby to the Wash.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 5, soon south 4. south or southwest 6 to gale 8 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: slight later rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
The Wash to North Foreland.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 4 or 5, soon 6. south or southwest 6 to local gale 8 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate later rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
North Foreland to Selsey Bill.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 6 or 7, easing 5. south or southwest 6 to local gale 8 later.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: rain.
Visibility: moderate, perhaps local poor
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 6 or 7, easing 5. south or southwest 6 to local gale 8 later.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: rain.
Visibility: moderate, perhaps local poor.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: south or southwest 6 to gale 8, perhaps local severe gale 9 evening.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps poor later.
Sea State: very rough or high.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: rain.
Visibility: moderate, perhaps local poor.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Lands End to St Davids Head including the Bristol Channel.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest backing south 6 to gale 8, perhaps local severe gale 9 evening.
easing southwest 5 or 6 overnight, but again 7 or gale 8 late.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps poor later.
Sea State: very rough or high.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps local poor early Tuesday.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
St Davids Head to Colwyn Bay, including St Georges Channel.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: local south 4 in the north, very soon south or southwest 7 or gale 8,
perhaps local severe gale 9 evening. easing south or 5 or 6 later.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps poor later.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest 7 or gale 8. easing southwest 5 or 6 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps local poor early Tuesday.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Colwyn Bay to the Mull of Galloway including the Isle of Man.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: south 4, very soon southeast 5 or 6. soon veering south or southwest 7 or
gale 8, easing 5 or 6 late.
Weather: mainly fair, patchy drizzle, rain early and late.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps poor later.
Sea State: moderate later rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south 6, soon south or southwest gale 8 or severe gale 9. southwest 5 or
6 later.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good, perhaps local poor early Tuesday.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Lough Foyle to Carlingford Lough.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: south 4 or 5, soon southeast 5. veering south 7 or gale 8, easing 5 or 6
Weather: occasional rain, fair later.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south 6, soon gale 8 perhaps local severe gale 9. veering southwest 6 or
7, easing 5 late.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
The Mull of Galloway to Mull of Kintyre including the Firth of Clyde and the
North Channel.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: south 4 or 5, soon southeast 5. veering south 7 or gale 8, easing 5 or 6
Weather: occasional rain, fair later.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south 6, soon gale 8. veering southwest 6 or 7, easing 5 late.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Mull of Kintyre to Ardnamurchan Point.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: south 4 or 5, soon southeast 6. veering south 7 or gale 8, perhaps local
severe gale 9. easing 5 or 6 late.
Weather: occasional rain, fair later.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough, soon rough or very rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south 6, soon gale 8 or severe gale 9. veering southwest 6 to gale 8,
easing 5 late.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough or very rough.
Ardnamurchan Point to Cape Wrath including the Outer Hebrides.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 5 or 6, soon south 4. increasing southeast or east 5 or 6,
later veering south or southwest 7 or gale 8, perhaps local severe gale 9.
Weather: fair, soon rain. fair again later.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough, later very rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: south or southwest 7 or gale 8. soon veering southwest gale 8 to storm
10. easing southwest 6 late.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: very rough or high.
Shetland Isles.
24 hour forecast:
Wind: southwest 5 local 6, soon cyclonic 3 or 4. increasing southeast 6, then
veering southwest 6 or 7 later.
Weather: mainly fair, rain early and again later.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: moderate or rough.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind: southwest soon south 6. veering southwest gale 8 to storm 10.
Weather: occasional rain.
Visibility: moderate or good.
Sea State: rough, later high.
Outlook for all UK Inshore Waters for following 3 days: The wind moderates and
becomes more variable in direction at times, but strong to gale southwesterly
winds will affect all parts of the British Isles during Wednesday, Thursday and
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