Category |
Island (For all categories on an Island, click on Island name) |
Big Island | Lanai | Oahu | Molokai | Maui | Kauai | |
American | ||||||
Chinese | ||||||
Coffee / Deli | ||||||
French | ||||||
German | ||||||
Greek | ||||||
Hawaiian | ||||||
Italian | ||||||
Japanese | ||||||
Korean | ||||||
Luaus | ||||||
Mexican | ||||||
Pacific Rim | ||||||
Seafood / Steak | ||||||
Thai | ||||||
Vegetarian | ||||||
Vietnamese | ||||||
Other | ||||||
Big Island | Lanai | Oahu | Molokai | Maui | Kauai |
E ai a maona (eat to your fill)!
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A word about our symbols: | |
B = Breakfast L = Lunch D = Dinner |
($) = Inexpensive (Dinner for Two under
$30*) ($$) = Moderate (Dinner for Two under $50*) ($$$) = Fine Dining (Dinner for Two $50* and over) |
*Estimated cost based on à la carte menu excluding beverages, tip and tax. (A General Excise Tax of 4.16% is applied to all retail sales of goods and services in Hawaii.) | |
phone ahead for information re: directions, credit cards, prices,
hours, alcoholic beverages, parking, smoking, as all are subject
to change. Note: As a general rule, smoking is banned in restaurants but may be permitted in open-air areas of restaurants, stand-alone bars, & nightclubs. |
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