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download mozilla source

If you'd like to help by testing our software and submitting bug reports, then download a binary. If you're a developer then read on to find out how to get the source.

  • Please try one of our many mirror sites before downloading the following from our FTP server. The bandwidth you save will be your own.

  • Understand that this is for developers only. If you have never compiled and debugged a very large C/C++ program before, all this will do for you is use up a lot of disk space.

  • This code is covered by the Netscape Public License and Mozilla Public License. Please read the licenses before downloading it.

  • This source code is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and other U.S. law, and may not be exported or re-exported to certain countries (currently Afghanistan (Taliban controlled areas), Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) or to persons or entities prohibited from receiving U.S. exports (including Denied Parties, entities on the Bureau of Export Administration Entity List, and Specially Designated Nationals).

  • If you're just beginning to work with mozilla then its recommended to start with a tarball from the most recent milestone build. Milestone builds occur on branches of the main cvs tree and have undergone QA and bug fixing to make them relatively stable. Later on, if you want to move off the branch and synchonize with the tip, do the following from the top of your tree to remove the CVS branch tags from your tree: cvs up -A

  • For the most up-to-date tarball, grab the daily snapshot. Depending on the current state of the tree, this may not build, or it may be extremely buggy. However, it will update the most quickly with CVS.

  • To unpack a .tar.gz file on Windows, either use WinZip, or download the win32 versions of tar and gzip from Cygwin.

  • To unpack a .tar.gz file on unix systems, you need a GNU tar compliant archiving application (GNU tar itself or pax, which seems to come on quite a few unixen which don't have GNU tar as the native archiving software), in addition to gzip.

Mozilla source
Mozilla 1.0.2 Mozilla 1.4.1 Nightly Build Tools

tarball [39.5 M]
bzip2 [29.4 M]
stuffit [57.5 M]

tarball [41.2 M]
bzip2 [31.1 M]

tarball [32.6 M]
bzip2 [25.1 M]

Windows [1.1 M]

Build instructions are available for the following platforms:

While you're waiting for the download (actually, ``before you even think about downloading anything,'' but who are we kidding) you should familiarize yourself with the developer documentation we have compiled to date.

The source is also available through several other methods, including CVS; see the Source Code page for details.

And finally, a huge thank you to all the people and organizations who made the initial release possible!