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pmf's WebStore

Free Store Club
division of
Lighthouse America

BBBOnLine Reliability Seal
Site Certified 2002-2003 So Buy With Confidence

Save and Earn Here!

Welcome to Free Store Club! If this is your first visit, please take a moment to read this page, then enjoy browsing through the Free Store Club website.

What IS Free Store Club?

Free Store Club is the world's Premiere Online WebStore. Through the unique Exact Method Marketing™ system, more than 2.5 million members worldwide operate their own stores on the Internet!

As a member of Free Store Club, you get an online WebStore with your own Internet address, stocked with literally hundreds of high-demand products that people buy. FSC ships tons of them from the home office warehouse in Lexington, North Carolina every single week.

In fact, FSC is the Biggest Single UPS Customer in Lexington!

How does it work?

Free Store Club is very simple. The company provides you with a store and products. You never have to stock or ship anything. The store is absolutely FREE. Your wholesale price for the products is so incredibly low that you may be shocked.

Many FSC members make a very good living just by selling product, both online and offline.

For those who want to earn even more, Free Store Club enables you to earn up to $12,000 per week in residual income* by introducing others and sharing in their success. Using Exact Method Marketing™ (EMM), you can build your business entirely online, without the need for personal contact, "selling" or "recruiting" in the traditional sense.

Here's how to get started:

If your name or screen name is at the top of this page then you are already a member and you can skip the steps below. Please do not join more than once.

1. Click the Join Free link and fill out the signup form. It only takes a couple of minutes and your personal information will never be shared with anyone without your explicit permission.

2. While filling out the signup form, you will choose a username that will be a part of your exclusive FSC Internet address. For example if you choose "DonaldDuck" as your username then your WebStore address will be

3. You can also pick a "screen name" that will be displayed in the upper-left corner of your home page. Or, if you don't choose a screen name, your real name will be displayed.

4.You will also choose a password to allow you to access the incredible Free Store Club back office and also allow you to place wholesale orders.

After you've joined, what's next?

1. You'll receive our 7 Day MLM-U-TURN Course in your e-mail inbox. This highly

acclaimed training series exposes the 50-year 95% failure rate of traditional multi-level marketing (MLM) and introduces you to a whole new way - Exact Method Marketing™ (EMM). Be sure to read every word!


2. Click the "Owner Log In" link and enter your password.  This will change all of the    prices in your store from the retail price to the wholesale price. Click the Shop link and take a few minutes to browse through the departments and check out the "your price" prices. You'll be amazed!


3. Click the Back Office link to enter the Free Store Club Members Only Area. Take    some time to look around. Here you can update your personal information, such as your address, telephone number, email address, etc. Click the Personal Member Services link to get replacements for any lessons you may have missed or accidentally deleted, report server problems, even Cancel your Membership. We hope you'll be a member for a long time but we make it easy to cancel should you ever decide to do so.


4. In your Back Office you'll also find an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section and the Contact the Company link. This provides you a secure place to communicate directly with our world-class Member Services Department, should you have questions for which you can't locate the answer on the website.


5. Also check out the many other tools and reports that are available in your Back Office. You can also read the Pay Plan and learn how to use your Free Store Club WebStore to begin earning income. It's all there in one place!

A Final Word

Free Store Club is changing the financial future for thousands of people all over the world. It is not a "get rich scheme" and you will never be obligated or pressured to do anything you don't want to do. It's fun and it's free. Why not join us and see what we mean?

*Legal Disclaimer

No specific level of income is guaranteed. Any reference to specific levels of earning on this web site are for the purpose of explaining the compensation plan only and are not projections. Your actual income will depend upon the success of your marketing efforts and of those you introduce to the program.

Income is derived solely from the sale of products and/or hosting services to end users. There is no compensation for recruiting. Associates may profit from product sales without paying a monthly hosting fee. Customers may buy our products without participating in the compensation plan.