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Some insight into hobbies, projects and interests.

 | Ministry:
 | I love sharing the Good News of God's salvation to people.
 | I enjoy sharing Bible truths with people.
 | I thrive on praying and spending time with God.

 | Family and Home:
 | We really enjoy church activities, prayer and Bible reading.
 | We love to go out to eat, especially trying out food from various
ethnic groups.
 | The girls enjoy going fishing with daddy. The whole family
enjoys camping.
 | We often take our dog Mauna for a walk. Her name means
mountain and it fits since she is so huge. She is an excellent watch dog.

 | Computers:
 | I love to make web sites (Web Development).
 | I enjoy tutoring people.
 | Tinkering with hardware is another past time. I do upgrades,
have built systems, and debugged many problems.
 | Learning new software is a enjoyable activity for me.
Kaneohe from Pali Lookout
