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Articles: Advanced Language Topics

Articles Index

The Java platform provides the Java Native Interface (JNI), Reflections, and Reference Objects APIs to give you a way to invoke native methods, get information on loaded classes, and have limited interactions with the garbage collector.

Transporting Objects over Sockets by Qusay H. Mahmoud.
This article presents a quick overview of object serialization, and shows how to work with object serialization in a client/server setting to transport objects over sockets. (November 2001)

Advanced Object Serialization by John Zukowski.
Explore the richness of object serialization, including validating serialized streams, manipulating serializable fields through ObjectStreamField, and encrypting object streams. (August 28, 2001)

Develop a Generic Caching Service to Improve Performance by Jonathan Lurie — Release JDK 1.2, reprinted from JavaWorld.
Learn how to create caching services for high levels of scalability and performance. (July 2001)

Reference Objects and Garbage Collection by Monica Pawlan — Release JDK 1.2
The Reference Objects API lets a program maintain a special reference to an object so it can interact with the garbage collector. (August 1998)

Using Java Reflection by Glen McCluskey — Release JDK 1.1
Learn how JDK 1.1 Reflection enables dynamic retrieval of classes and data structures by name. (January 1998)