Captain Rusty's Kuuloa Kai Top Site Award Winners

"...for surpassing our criteria of excellence for concept, design, layout, rich content and easy navigation."
The 111 Top Site Award Winners
The Humuhumu Award

Kuuloa Kai Top Sites bestows The Humuhumu Award to all webmasters. You all deserve an award for your hard work.
It isn't easy putting together a website. And no one appreciates it better than another webmaster.
There is no criteria to win it. No hoops to jump through, no scrutiny of your coding prowess.
Simply sport it on your site.
If you'd like to display The Humuhumu Award, simply copy and paste the following
HTML into your web page.
Send me e-mail and let me know about your site that has earned The Humuhumu Award,
I will add a link to it on The Humuhumu page.
Award HTLM
<A HREF="http://www.kuuloakai.com/awardees.asp#humu"><IMG SRC="http://www.kuuloakai.com/awards/humuhumu_award.gif" WIDTH=146 HEIGHT=149 ALT="Humuhumu Award" BORDER=0></A>