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Office Symbol Fax Number Voice Verification
IIP (202) 619-6557
IIP/G (202) 260-4127
IIP/G/AF (202) 619-4079
IIP/G/AR (202) 619-5478
IIP/G/CP (202) 619-5162
IIP/G/EAP (202) 401-1488
IIP/G/EUR (202) 205-0658
IIP/G/IR (202) 619-6190
IIP/G/NEA-SA (202) 401-2384
IIP/T (202) 358-0329
IIP/T/CP (202) 619-4173
IIP/T/DHR (202) 619-6520
IIP/T/GIC (202) 358-2340
IIP/T/PS (202) 619-6267
IIP/T/SV (202) 205-3867
IIP/T/TP (202) 619-4271
INL (202) 647-7573 Classified
INL/AAE (202) 776-8527 Classified
INL/C (202) 736-4515
INL/LP (202) 736-4291
INL/PC (202) 647-8269
INL/RM (202) 776-8775
INR (202) 647-6521 Classified
INR (202) 736-4688
INR/AA (202) 647-7647
INR/AL (202) 647-9460
INR/AL (202) 647-6458 Classified
INR/CIS (202) 647-8591
INR/CIS (202) 647-5062 Classified
INR/EAP (202) 647-1179 Classified
INR/EAP (202) 647-5286
INR/EC (202) 647-7898
INR/EU (202) 647-5334
INR/EU (202) 647-9126 Classified
INR/EX (202) 647-4296
INR/GGI (202) 647-0504
INR/GGI/HIU (202) 203-7790
INR/GGI/WCAD (202) 647-7355 Classified
INR/I (202) 647-4258 Classified
INR/I (202) 647-2285
INR/IC (202) 647-7260 Classified
INR/NESA (202) 736-4606
INR/R (202) 619-6977
INR/R/MR (202) 619-5507
INR/R/RUC (202) 619-5135
INR/RCI (202) 647-5062 Classified
INR/REA (202) 736-4888 Classified
INR/REA (202) 647-1464
INR/RES (202) 736-4386
INR/SPM (202) 647-7955
INR/SPM (202) 452-8099 Classified
INR/TNC (202) 647-8591
IO (202) 736-4116 (202) 647-9431
IO (Staff Assistants) (202) 647-6510 (202) 647-9490
IO/D (202) 736-7467 (202) 647-1269
IO/EX (202) 647-9406 (202) 647-5753
IO/EX/HR (202) 647-1544 (202) 647-1662
IO/EX/IS (202) 647-9406 (202) 647-5753
IO/EX/OB (202) 647-0376 (202) 647-3511
IO/OIC/A (202) 647-1301 (202) 647-4464
IO/OIC/P (202) 647-5996 (202) 647-6885
IO/PHO (202) 647-4006 (202) 736-7733
IO/PPC (202) 647-9722 (202) 647-6899
IO/PPC Research (202) 736-4130 (202) 647-7993
IO/S (202) 736-7320 (202) 647-6424
IO/SHA (202) 647-4628 (202) 736-7790
IO/T (202) 647-8902 (202) 647-2330
IO/UNP (202) 647-0039 (202) 647-2392
IRM (202) 647-2294 (202) 647-2226
IRM/APR (202) 776-8984 (202) 776-8979
IRM/APR/PL/IAP (202) 663-1500
IRM/APR/RG (202) 235-4408 (202) 235-4275
IRM/EX (202) 647-7887 (202) 647-3184
IRM/EX/AS (202) 776-8404 (202) 776-8401
IRM/EX/FM (202) 647-0846 (202) 647-5704
IRM/EX/HRM (202) 647-8785 (202) 647-5006
IRM/EX/PAS (202) 647-6131 (202) 647-3227
IRM/EX/SYS (202) 647-6665 (202) 736-4220
IRM/OPS (202) 736-4003 (202) 647-2889
IRM/OPS/CST (202) 647-2938 (202) 647-3736
IRM/OPS/CST/BC (202) 736-7689 (202) 647-2322
IRM/OPS/CST/LD (202) 736-4213 (202) 647-3803
IRM/OPS/CST/SPS (202) 736-4621 (202) 647-8977
IRM/OPS/ITI (202) 647-5675 (202) 647-1001
IRM/OPS/ITI/LWS (703) 912-8386 (703) 912-8501
IRM/OPS/ITI/LWS/MNT (202) 647-1023 (202) 736-4369
IRM/OPS/ITI/LWS/WLS (703) 912-8423 (703) 912-8501
IRM/OPS/ITI/PMA-ALMA (703) 912-8110 (703) 912-8465
IRM/OPS/ITI/PMA-OWP (703) 912-8665 (703) 912-8621
IRM/OPS/ITI/S (202) 647-4809 (202) 647-1223
IRM/OPS/ITI/TSS (202) 663-3546 (202) 663-3463
IRM/OPS/ITI/TWD (202) 647-4115 (202) 647-4300
IRM/OPS/ITI/TWD/WLS (703) 912-8423 (703) 912-8501
IRM/OPS/MSO (202) 647-6377 (202) 647-7787
IRM/OPS/MSO/BMC (301) 985-8110 (301) 985-8004
IRM/OPS/MSO/EML (202) 647-4598 (202) 647-6981
IRM/OPS/MSO/EML/CBPC (202) 647-0298 (202) 647-0528
IRM/OPS/MSO/EML/NCC (202) 647-4598 (202) 647-6981
IRM/OPS/MSO/MAS (202) 647-6377 (202) 647-7787
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSD (703) 912-8136 (703) 912-8144
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSMC (202) 647-6377 (202) 647-7795
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSMC/PRG (202) 647-1653 (202) 647-5718
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSP (703) 912-8105 (703) 912-8000
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSP/PAB (703) 912-8105 (703) 912-8627
IRM/OPS/MSO/MSP/PMB (703) 912-8668 (703) 912-8379
IRM/OPS/MSO/SMO (202) 647-6377 (202) 647-7787
IRM/OPS/SIO (202) 647-4598 (202) 647-8444
IRM/OPS/SIO/APD (703) 875-7262 (703) 875-5667
IRM/OPS/SIO/APD/CSB (703) 875-4071 (703) 875-5667
IRM/OPS/SIO/APD/PAY (703) 875-7262 (703) 875-5667
IRM/OPS/SIO/APD/PER (703) 875-7262 (703) 875-5667
IRM/OPS/SIO/API (703) 875-4400 (202) 647-8444
IRM/OPS/SIO/API/DM (703) 875-4212 (202) 647-8444
IRM/OPS/SIO/API/IP (703) 875-4212 (202) 647-8444
IRM/OPS/SIO/MFS (202) 647-4598 (202) 647-8444
IRM/OPS/SIO/MFS/CSO (703) 912-8104 (703) 912-8025
IRM/OPS/SIO/MFS/OP (202) 647-6527 (202) 736-7731
IRM/OPS/SIO/MFS/SP (202) 647-4598 (202) 647-7528
IRM/OPS/SIO/SYS (703) 875-4598 (202) 647-8444
IRM/Y2K (202) 647-2222 (202) 647-2000

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