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 Disk Cleaning and PC Privacy

R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, recently opened documents list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc. and free up your disk space. Wipes files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a background task.

New R-Wipe & Clean 3.0 supports Internet Explorer, NETSCAPE, AOL, MSN, Opera and Mozilla.

A free fully functional 15-day trial version is available for evaluation purpose.
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Data Recovery
File Undelete
Drive Image
E-Mail Recovery
MS Word Recovery
PC Privacy
Disk Cleaning
Linux Recovery
R-Drive Image

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System requirements
Data Recovery An Intel-compatible platform running Windows 98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP.
File Undelete Internet Explorer.
Email Recovery The administrative privileges under WinNT/2000 are required during installation to install R-Wipe & Clean's Windows Explorer shell extensions.

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R-Wipe & Clean 3.0 features
Total computer cleaning
Using R-Wipe & Clean you can:
  • Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.
  • Delete temporary Internet files.
  • Erase cookies - small files that web sites store on your computers for identification purposes. Your favorite cookies may be safely kept.
  • Clean autocomplete forms - logins, user names, passwords and other personal information entered at web sites and keywords entered at search engines.
  • Clean history - lists of visited web sites.
  • Clean list of recently opened documents.
  • Delete temporary files created by Windows and other programs.
  • Clean MRUs - lists of recently started programs, mapped network drives, attached peripheral devices, search results, etc.
  • Wipe .dat files (even locked) to remove any leftovers after incorrect Windows shutdowns.
  • Delete offline content.
  • Erase links to files opened by MS Office, standard Windows applications, etc.
  • Wipe all files to ensure their total unrecoverable elimination.
  • You may combine all cleaning and wiping tasks in different erasing procedures launched immediately or in scheduled times or events (user logon / logoff, system start up, closing Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.)
  • When schedule is set, erasing procedure starts automatically as a background task.
  • Scheduler can turn your computer off when the erasing procedure is completed.
File wiping
  • FAT and NTFS file systems support.
  • Wipe files using either fast or strong erase algorithms. Files can be wiped directly from Windows Explorer.
  • Setup predefined wipe lists - lists of files and folders that are wiped through single task. Files and folders can be added to a current wipe list directly from Windows Explorer.
  • Wipe file's alternate data streams.
  • Wipe cluster tips - free parts of file clusters.
Disk wiping
  • FAT and NTFS file systems support.
  • Wipe unused disk space using either fast or strong erase algorithms.
  • Wipe unused space on a single disk directly from the R-Wipe & Clean tab in the disk Properties.
  • Wipe unused space of several disks through one single wipe task.
  • Clean records of small files stored directly in the NTFS Master File Table.

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